is a psychotherapist who worked in Florida prisons until complaining about prisoner abuse. The book regards brutality to mentally ill prisoners in the Florida prison system, including the death by scalding of Darren Rainey, a 50-year-old black inmate who was mentally ill. He was murdered by corrections officers who locked Rainey in a scalding hot shower (temperatures over 180) and have not been charged with their crime. Rainey's autopsy report has not been released these 2.5 years after death. Despite the fact that over 205k people signed a petition for justice for Darren Rainey, there appears to be an effort to conceal his murder and other abuses by illegally censoring Mallinckrodt's interview on "Human Rights Demand." The notice I received is below.
While the Mallinckrodt interview was being aired live on Blogtalkradio and I was blocked from speaking by static that stalkers interjected over my voice, I decided to use Blogtalkradio's CHAT feature to write my responses and questions to Mallinckrodt. I discovered that the CHAT feature was disabled for me, and I published this message at Google+:
CoIntelPro continues to cover my voice with static when I speak during the Mallinckrodt interview at "Human Rights Demand" show at Blogtalkradio, and I just discovered I am not allowed to use the CHAT feature, either. They are absolutely terrified about the world hearing about the secret arrest and murder of Larry Neal, my mentally and physically disabled brother, and the fraud on the USA that was done by Memphis Shelby County Government and USDOJ officials to cover-up Larry's murder.
I also have reason to believe my PUBLIC post announcing Mallinckrodt's interview at Facebook was labeled PRIVATE in order to censor it.
Our George Mallinckrodt radio show announcement (see it below) was "shared" by Ana Santiago. I looked at her share and found that a message from Facebook was posted above Ana's share. It said, "When you post something, people can Share it. But this doesn't change who can see your post on Facebook - it can only be seen by the people you originally posted to. Learn more about Sharing." I published the following message:
EVERYTHING I share on Facebook is PUBLIC. Let me find out some of my messages were switched to "private" and you will have another lawsuit. If NSA, FBI, and CIA can read what I write, no matter how it is shared, then so should the entire universe. I have no secrets. I'm not the one who secretly arrests and kills black mental patients like Larry Neal in Memphis. I don't scald them to death like FL did to Darren Rainey. I don't bake them to death like Riker's Island Jail did to Jerome Murdough. I just expose and oppose those crimes against humanity on social networks so that the entire world can see our responsibility to protect America's most vulnerable people.
Google+ friends, can you see my Mallinckrodt announcement at Facebook? Check at the page for MaryLovesJustice and Mary Neal. They're hiding something.
When I posted the above notice at Google+, my entire profile at Facebook was immediately listed as being "unavailable." I am America's most censored person.
I need a
#lawyer ! I need a
#civilrights lawyer RIGHT NOW! I am VIOLATED. I live like a concentration camp victim in Georgia, USA! These criminals pay to censor me to prevent publicity about prisoners being abused and killed, particularly Larry Neal, whose murder is covered up by the USA. Telephone interference, Internet takeovers, followed when I leave home - It has happened for TEN YEARS, since I did not give up on justice after my family's fraud by The Cochran Firm. HELP ME,
#attorneys . Free Georgia's last
#slave !
United Nations !! HELP ME, +
The Carter Center !! HELP ME,
#Christians ! I am persecuted for obeying Prov. 31:8-9!!
Please read this, +
The White House. I have a right to ask what happened to Larry Neal. I cannot force a response. But nobody has the right to censor me, follow and persecute me for asking. As our First Lady said, bullying is wrong. Protect Americans' human rights.
The first picture below shows the message atop Ana Santano's "share" of my announcement regarding the George Mallinckrodt show on "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Click to enlarge the photo, and please notice the strange message from Facebook over the "share." The second photo below shows that after I asked my Google+ friends to check out my Facebook page, my page suddenly became unavailable.
The ad that may be wrongly marked "private" on Facebook:
GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER - Join "Human Rights Demand" Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015, at 3pm EST, when our guest will be
+George Mallinckrodt, author of "Getting Away with Murder." Call-in number (347)857-3293. Mallinckrodt was a licensed mental health counselor in the FL prison system who helped reveal the murder by scalding of Darren Rainey and a pattern of abuse and cover-ups by the FL DOC against mentally ill inmates. Part 2 of our interview will air live Thursday, January 15, at 9pm EST.
You are invited to call "Human Rights Demand" radio broadcast and make comments or ask questions, which will be aired live on the show. The broadcasts will also be available via computer and archived at Blogtalkradio for future listening and sharing 24/7 at
"The Florida Department of Corrections is riddled with amoral, sadistic sociopaths and the people who support, enable, and cover-up their crimes." ~@GeoMallinckrodt . . . (Twitter address)
"If what is done to mentally ill Florida inmates was done in the military, these would be considered war crimes." ~George Mallinckrodt
The short link that Blogtalkradio generated for the George Mallinckrodt interview actually posted a broadcast of "The Alan Levy Show" on my Facebook page when I elected from the Blogtalkradio STUDIO to "send to Facebook" at the conclusion of the broadcast. See my Facebook page at > The short link is for the January 11 broadcast that Blogtalkradio provided is
DISCLAIMER: When I used Windows operating system, I also used a security software that captured the IP addresses for agents who go online whenever I do. Up to four agents work online to sabotage my online input as I work. Therefore, this writer does not know if the censorship is applied by Blogtalkradio and Facebook or if NSA and FBI and CIA agents are covering-up inmate abuse evidenced by the murders of Darren Rainey and Larry Neal. I disclaim that this is an accusation against the Internet companies Facebook and Blogtalkradio. When a lawsuit is filed alleging violations against Mary Neal's First Amendment rights and rights to self expression under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the culprits should be revealed through a search of those Internet companies' records. They are culpable either by doing direct censorship or by their failure to secure my communication against the agents' sabotage.
Repeat of Paragraph 1: I received an email indicating that the January 11 "Human Rights Demand" show on Blogtalkradio is being censored. The radio show featured an author of "Getting Away with Murder," George Mallinckrodt, a psychotherapist who worked in Florida prisons until complaining about prisoner abuse. The book regards brutality to mentally ill prisoners in the Florida prison system, including the death by scalding of Darren Rainey, a 50-year-old black inmate who was mentally ill. He was murdered by corrections officers who locked Rainey in a scalding hot shower (temperatures over 180) and have not been charged with their crime. Rainey's autopsy report has not been released these 2.5 years after death. Despite the fact that over 205k people signed a petition for justice for Darren Rainey, there appears to be an effort to conceal his murder and other abuses by illegally censoring Mallinckrodt's interview on "Human Rights Demand." The notice I received is below.
Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.
Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill