Saturday, January 31, 2015

Google Fiber Coming to Atlanta

Google Fiber Coming to Atlanta

1. My Chromebook computer cannot perform half the functions that it should. For example, I cannot work offline. Stalkers want me to only work online so they can control my input. Two days ago, stalkers turned off my Google phone at (571)335-1741. I finally found the puzzle piece with the red "x" on it and got it to behave, but many Chrome functions remain blocked. I don't know which of the blocked functions pertain to the list of plug-ins below for which I cannot remove the block. 

2. Google Fiber will soon come to Atlanta, which should speed our connections. NSA may have to work even harder to contain information about government murders. A newscaster said that Google plans to offer basic Internet for free for the first seven years.

3. Stalkers did not buy my computer or the nine computers they destroyed in the last 10 years, but neither did stalkers save The Cochran Firm, the U.S. Justice Department, Memphis Shelby County Government, and Georgia courts from public exposure related to their cover-up conspiracy regarding the secret arrest and murder of Larry Neal, a mentally, physically disabled black man. Computer takeovers made it harder to disseminate information about collusion of those parties against justice, but cover-ups also made significantly more interesting stories, which you will soon read in "The Cochran Firm Fraud". Click the pictures below for larger views of screenshots #1 and #2 below:

4. Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill
5. Gee! I did not know stalkers were so afraid of my "DogJusticeforMentallyIll" blog. They keep attacking this link. Check it out today! They also attack the link at paragraph 2 above. It regards Google Fiber coming to Atlanta. In case you have trouble opening the links stalkers are attacking on my view, please simply copy the links and place them into a new tab to reach the censored data. 

Google Fiber Coming to Atlanta

Monday, January 26, 2015

Dead and Dying Black Men Rated "Mature Content" at HubPages

"Democracy cannot breathe in secret courts" is an article I published at HubPages. It was unpublished because moderators labeled it "Mature Content." Presumably, I was to remove the photo of Michael Brown rotting in the Ferguson, Missouri street and Eric Garner being choked to death in New York. Therefore, the top row of photos above were replaced with the photographs beneath them.

I agree that pictures of the war on black America are obscene, but men, women, and children in the apartment complex where Brown lived were not only subjected to the "mature content" of photos of his corpse, but they were in sight of Brown's actual shooting, then his corpse rotted in the hot street for over four hours after the teen was killed by Officer Wilson. Likewise, commuters and pedestrians in New York were traumatized to watch Garner's killing as a live NYPD episode. We cannot sanitize the truth that we wish to change. Nevertheless, Garner's picture in the article was changed to one of his funeral photos, and Brown's photo was changed to one that showed only his handsome, chubby face.

Having replaced the distressing photographs of black men dead and dying, I hereby request that the article be republished speedily so as not to interfere with people having access to its contents before the NY Supreme Court date of January 29 at 9am. The NY Supreme Court will consider Thursday whether to open the grand jury transcript regarding Officer Daniel Pantaleo, who killed Eric Garner. Mainstream media avoids publishing the fact that NYCLU and Legal Aid sued to release the transcript, and it appears that bloggers like Mary Neal are running into roadblocks publishing the information, also. Democracy cannot breathe in secret courts.

Both the photos that I replaced in this article have been widely released throughout the world, but I would not want to offend the sensibilities of HubPages readers.

See the article, "Democracy Cannot Breathe in Secret Courts."

HubPages claimed the right to delay publication for up to 72 hours after the "mature content" is removed, which could delay publication until after NYCLU and Legal Aid plead their case before NY Supreme Court to release the grand jury transcript. I also ran into difficulty publishing a post announcing this article at Google+ and wrote about it in an article entitled "Justice Gagged re Eric Garner Grand Jury Transcript."

It is my assumption that mainstream news, which I presume was bought with our tax money (the missing trillions), is ignoring the court date at the request of its true owners for one reason: THEY DON'T WANT PROTESTERS IN THE STATEN ISLAND NY SUPREME COURT AT 9:00 A.M. ON THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, TO HEAR NYCLU'S CASE FOR RELEASING THE PANTALEO GRAND JURY TRANSCRIPT.

Paragraph 1 repeated: "Democracy cannot breathe in secret courts" is an article I published at HubPages. It was unpublished because moderators labeled it "Mature Content." Presumably, I was to remove the photo of Michael Brown rotting in the Ferguson, Missouri street and Eric Garner being choked to death in New York. Therefore, the top row of photos above were replaced with the photographs beneath them.

Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Friday, January 23, 2015

Justice Gagged re Eric Garner Grand Jury Transcript

Police brutality and the torture and murders of prisoners are major problems in the United States. However, victims and victims' survivors are "discouraged" from exposing these occurrences online. I began writing about such crimes against humanity over a decade ago and have written volumes, but a friend summed up my years of human rights advocacy with just one statement:

If I understand this correctly: The ultimate goal seems to be to eliminate our right to freedom of speech to fuel mass incarceration to feed investors in the prison industrial complex. ~Carolyn Esparrza

Carolyn is correct. The prison investors' anthem could be "Feed me!" Police officers should avoid feeding the beast. Only arrest people who NEED arresting like NYPD did during their work slowdown. Judges and prosecutors should avoid false convictions and excessive sentencing. All Americans should demand an end to mass incarceration. Starve private prisons! Don't be their Seymore and enact oppressive laws, legislators. Americans are NOT the worst people in the world history; our prison rate lies.

Perhaps because the prison industrial complex and police unions are very powerful, censorship is employed to reduce criticism of both. Justice is gagged regarding the New York Supreme Court hearing scheduled for 9am on January 29 to determine if the transcript from Officer Daniel Pantale's grand jury will be released to the public. Pantale was not indicted by the grand jury, and NYCLU and Legal Aid are fighting for the People's right to know what happened. The courthouse is located at 18 Richmond Terrace in Staten Island, NY 10301, across from the Staten Island Ferry Terminal. Please forward this article or the link below to people you know in that area who might want to attend.

People who cannot attend the hearing are asked to call Prosecutor Daniel Donovan and ask that he release the Eric Garner grand jury transcript as well as the names of the police officers who were given immunity. His phone number is (718)876-6300. Donovan is running for Congress and has done all he can to make sure that the grand jury transcript remains sealed. A gag order was placed on the NYCLU and Legal Aid Society, which filed the court case.

Angry Librarians act like they did not even HEAR the president promise Americans a free and open Internet in his State of the Union address this week. Fire them, President Obama. Despite interference, I published an article at HubPages about the issue of secret courts, called "Democracy Cannot Breathe in Secret Courts." The article has polls to gauge readers' assessments about secret grand juries for Daniel Pantaleo and former Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, who killed Michael Brown, as well as secret family courts in the USA and UK. Thus far, the article called "Democracy Cannot Breathe in Secret Courts" does not answer to a Google search for its name, and mainstream media companies do not publish reports about the upcoming NY Supreme Court hearing that might open the grand jury transcript in the Pantale matter. That attests to the strength of police unions, which might prefer for protesters to stop breathing somewhere other than the courthouse on Thursday morning.

Democracy cannot breathe in secret courts.

The link and photo below prove that American human rights activists do NOT have a "free and open Internet," especially not African American victims of corruption like Mary Neal. (Click the screenshot photo below to enlarge it and see interference that delayed my announcing the publication of "Democracy Cannot Breathe in Secret Courts" at G+.)

Paragraphs 1 and 2 repeated: Police brutality and the torture and murders of prisoners are major problems in the United States. However, victims and victims' survivors are "discouraged" from exposing these occurrences online. I began writing about such crimes against humanity over a decade ago and have written volumes, but a friend summed up my years of human rights advocacy with just one statement:

If I understand this correctly: The ultimate goal seems to be to eliminate our right to freedom of speech to fuel mass incarceration to feed investors in the prison industrial complex. ~Carolyn Esparrza


Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Fresno protesters threatened by Police Chief Dyer

On Martin Luther King, Jr. Day 2015 in Fresno, CA, protesters turned their backs as the Chief of Police spoke. Fresno People's Media reports, "At the beginning of the month, Chief Dyer was on television explaining a plan to “crack down on protesters”. In the plan, crafted by the district attorney and the police department, protest organizers are to be identified via police surveillance and sent a letter threatening retribution in the form of citations, $6,000 restitution, and jail time if the protests continued." 

Obviously, protesters feel their First Amendment rights should be protected, not threatened by the Chief of Police with retribution, incarceration, and extortion. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King was faced with identical government injunctions against free speech and the right to protest. He responded in his final speech. See the excerpt below.

"If I lived in China or even Russia, or any totalitarian country, maybe I could understand some of these illegal injunctions. Maybe I could understand the denial of certain basic First Amendment privileges, because they hadn't committed themselves to that over there. But somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly. Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech. Somewhere I read of the freedom of press. Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for right. And so just as I say, we aren't going to let dogs or water hoses turn us around, we aren't going to let any injunction turn us around. We are going on." ~MLK in his final address in Memphis, TN 

Justice Scalia of the U.S. Supreme Court has announced that the Constitution is dead, dead, dead. Obviously, the Fresno district attorney and police department think so. The first protest organizer in Fresno who is issued a citation or arrested for organizing peaceful protests should appeal the infraction against the Constitution all the way to the Supreme Court and see how it is handled by the justices whose job it is to interpret the constitution. See if it said anything about "free speech" or the right to "petition government for a redress of grievances," or any of the other "rights" that free people should have in a government of, by and for the People.

Below is a photo of my online minister, Rev. Floyd Harris (in red), associate pastor of New Light for New Life Church of God in Fresno, California. He obeys the Word of God and speaks for the poor and oppressed and all who are appointed to destruction, no matter who threatens him (Pv. 31:8-9). Some Christian leaders still obey God. We may protest in Silicon Valley one fine day.

If Rev. +Floyd Harris  is ever arrested by Chief Dyer for organizing protests in Fresno, both my ministers would be political prisoners. +Rev Edward Pinkney was arrested in December for organizing a recall petition against a sold-out black mayor in Benton Harbor, Michigan. We are grateful that Dr. King was not the only minister who walked his talk.

Rev. Floyd Harris is the director of National Network in Action and channel director for NNIA, home of our nighttime broadcasts on Blogtalkradio at 9pm Pacific Time on Mondays for "Human Rights for Prisoners March," on Wednesdays for "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" and on Sundays for "MaryLovesJustice Prayer Meeting." Call (818)572-2947, and have your say! People can also listen via computer.

Seven urls after this point.

Read the entire article at Fresno People's Media at the link below.

Read about Rev. Edward Pinkney, a political prisoner, at the link below:

National Network in Action Radio Shows on Mon., Wed, and Sun. at 9pmPST


Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Washington Post and Mary Neal's Comments

I received an email alert about a Washington Post article that had an interesting title:
"Obama to propose raising taxes on wealthy"

I wanted to point out in my comment that the proposal probably came two years too late. Why wait until Congress is controlled by the GOP to put forward such a proposal that has zero chances of passing?

The Washington Post certainly fought against my commenting at the article. I elected to use my Washington Post sign-in rather than Facebook, but I could not remember my WP password. I completed the fields to have a reset link sent to my email address at I received an email from Washington Post that said:
Your password reset request
To reset your password, please click this link or paste it into your Web browser:

Each of the four times I did this, I immediately clicked on the link provided to change my password, but The Washington Post repeatedly took me to a page that said:
This page has expired. Please visit the forgot password page again to reset your password.

After I started this article, The Washington Post sent me another email with another link to click to be allowed to change my password. I have infinite patience, so I again clicked the link. Surprisingly, this time The Washington Post actually let me change my password. I returned to the Obama article, and tried again to comment. The Washington Post, of course, may have a prior commitment to the powers that be to censor any comments from Mary Neal. Therefore, I was told that I had to first complete my profile. Therefore, I went to the profile page and added information to the fields and a photo. The Washington Post then claimed that my email address had to be verified. I clicked the "send" for The Washington Post to send its confirmation email. I could not comment until completing this step. The verification email from the Washington Post did not arrive.

Verify my e-mail address

An email has been sent; you just need to click on the link in the email in order to comment on articles.
Email sent.

Many people wonder about the trillions of dollars that are reportedly "missing" from the U.S. Treasury, but I suspect that buying mainstream media must have been very expensive. 

As I wrote this article, I continued to check my email inbox for The Washington Post's verification email, and it finally came. I returned to the article and wrote one simple sentence:
"Don't worry, wealthy people. If this proposal was intended to be introduced as a bill and pass, it would have been proposed before the GOP controlled the House and Senate."

After much ado, my comment posted. Over 1,000 comments are at The Washington Post article reporting the president's proposal to raise taxes for the wealthy, but mine encountered tremendous hurdles. I took some screenshots along the way, and the numerous emails from The Washington Post with the password reset links remain in my email inbox, unless the stalkers remove them. That happened when I spent at least two hours conversing with a manager by email at a renowned media company in 2006.  

I had called the media company to see the cost of advertising for other former clients at The Cochran Firm who had been defrauded like my family was. He wanted to know all about The Cochran Firm fraud, and I told him. The next day when I opened my Yahoo! mail account, I found six days of emails missing, including my lengthy discourse with this manager. The stalkers did not know, of course, that I was actually typing in Outlook at my place of employment and that the entire conversation was saved. I suppose he did not want the public to know that his media company knew that The Cochran Firm had just had itself declared nonexistent in the State of Georgia by the Georgia Superior Court, especially since the media would not carry the story to the public. The Cochran Firm saves billions of dollars some years for government agencies and large corporations by defrauding its own clients, and reporting that would impede future frauds.

I spoke about my censorship during a radio broadcast at "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" on January 14, 2015. I hope you (and "they") will listen to the archived show on Blogtalkradio at NNIA1. Please listen and share.

Notice: I do not claim that the interference was done by The Washington Post. It could have been done by stalkers in Ft. Meade or out West.

Paragraph 1 and 2 repeated: I received an email alert about a Washington Post article that had an interesting title: "Obama to propose raising taxes on wealthy"

I wanted to point out in my comment that the proposal probably came two years too late. Why wait until Congress is controlled by the GOP to put forward such a proposal that has zero chances of passing?

Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Saturday, January 10, 2015

"Getting Away with Murder" Radio Show Censored


I received an email indicating that the January 11 "Human Rights Demand" show on Blogtalkradio is being censored. The radio show featured an author of "Getting Away with Murder." George Mallinckrodt is a psychotherapist who worked in Florida prisons until complaining about prisoner abuse. The book regards brutality to mentally ill prisoners in the Florida prison system, including the death by scalding of Darren Rainey, a 50-year-old black inmate who was mentally ill. He was murdered by corrections officers who locked Rainey in a scalding hot shower (temperatures over 180) and have not been charged with their crime. Rainey's autopsy report has not been released these 2.5 years after death. Despite the fact that over 205k people signed a petition for justice for Darren Rainey, there appears to be an effort to conceal his murder and other abuses by illegally censoring Mallinckrodt's interview on "Human Rights Demand." The notice I received is below.

from:Mary Diaz (email address redacted)
date:Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 11:22 AM
subject:Re: 1-11-2015 Radio Program - George Mallinckrodt BOOK


I saw that George was going to be interviewed by you on his new book.  I tried to listen yesterday via my computer but it had static and I could not hear it very well.

Today I tried again and heard on the same link your December 10 radio show.

I believe you should check this out and correct it , many people would like to hear the interview.

God Bless You
Mary Diaz

George Mallinckrodt agreed to give "Human Rights Demand" two interviews. The first one aired live on Sunday, January 11, 2015, and the second will air live on Thursday, January 15 at 9pm EST. Both links are below:
January 11
January 15

While the Mallinckrodt interview was being aired live on Blogtalkradio and I was blocked from speaking by static that stalkers interjected over my voice, I decided to use Blogtalkradio's CHAT feature to write my responses and questions to Mallinckrodt. I discovered that the CHAT feature was disabled for me, and I published this message at Google+:

CoIntelPro continues to cover my voice with static when I speak during the Mallinckrodt interview at "Human Rights Demand" show at Blogtalkradio, and I just discovered I am not allowed to use the CHAT feature, either. They are absolutely terrified about the world hearing about the secret arrest and murder of Larry Neal, my mentally and physically disabled brother, and the fraud on the USA that was done by Memphis Shelby County Government and USDOJ officials to cover-up Larry's murder.


I also have reason to believe my PUBLIC post announcing Mallinckrodt's interview at Facebook was labeled PRIVATE in order to censor it.

Our George Mallinckrodt radio show announcement (see it below) was "shared" by Ana Santiago. I looked at her share and found that a message from Facebook was posted above Ana's share. It said, "When you post something, people can Share it. But this doesn't change who can see your post on Facebook - it can only be seen by the people you originally posted to. Learn more about Sharing." I published the following message:

EVERYTHING I share on Facebook is PUBLIC. Let me find out some of my messages were switched to "private" and you will have another lawsuit. If NSA, FBI, and CIA can read what I write, no matter how it is shared, then so should the entire universe. I have no secrets. I'm not the one who secretly arrests and kills black mental patients like Larry Neal in Memphis. I don't scald them to death like FL did to Darren Rainey. I don't bake them to death like Riker's Island Jail did to Jerome Murdough. I just expose and oppose those crimes against humanity on social networks so that the entire world can see our responsibility to protect America's most vulnerable people.

Google+ friends, can you see my Mallinckrodt announcement at Facebook? Check at the page for MaryLovesJustice and Mary Neal. They're hiding something.

When I posted the above notice at Google+,  my entire profile at Facebook was immediately listed as being "unavailable." I am America's most censored person.

I need a #lawyer ! I need a #civilrights lawyer RIGHT NOW! I am VIOLATED. I live like a concentration camp victim in Georgia, USA! These criminals pay to censor me to prevent publicity about prisoners being abused and killed, particularly Larry Neal, whose murder is covered up by the USA. Telephone interference, Internet takeovers, followed when I leave home - It has happened for TEN YEARS, since I did not give up on justice after my family's fraud by The Cochran Firm. HELP ME, #attorneys . Free Georgia's last #slave !

HELP ME, +United Nations !! HELP ME, +The Carter Center !! HELP ME, #Christians ! I am persecuted for obeying Prov. 31:8-9!!

Please read this, +The White House. I have a right to ask what happened to Larry Neal. I cannot force a response. But nobody has the right to censor me, follow and persecute me for asking. As our First Lady said, bullying is wrong. Protect Americans' human rights.

The first picture below shows the message atop Ana Santano's "share" of my announcement regarding the George Mallinckrodt show on "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio on Sunday, January 11, 2015. Click to enlarge the photo, and please notice the strange message from Facebook over the "share." The second photo below shows that after I asked my Google+ friends to check out my Facebook page, my page suddenly became unavailable.

The ad that may be wrongly marked "private" on Facebook:

GETTING AWAY WITH MURDER - Join "Human Rights Demand" Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015, at 3pm EST, when our guest will be +George Mallinckrodt, author of "Getting Away with Murder." Call-in number (347)857-3293. Mallinckrodt was a licensed mental health counselor in the FL prison system who helped reveal the murder by scalding of Darren Rainey and a pattern of abuse and cover-ups by the FL DOC against mentally ill inmates. Part 2 of our interview will air live Thursday, January 15, at 9pm EST.

You are invited to call "Human Rights Demand" radio broadcast and make comments or ask questions, which will be aired live on the show. The broadcasts will also be available via computer and archived at Blogtalkradio for future listening and sharing 24/7 at

"The Florida Department of Corrections is riddled with amoral, sadistic sociopaths and the people who support, enable, and cover-up their crimes." ~@GeoMallinckrodt . . . (Twitter address)

"If what is done to mentally ill Florida inmates was done in the military, these would be considered war crimes." ~George Mallinckrodt

Facebook should avoid future lawsuits like the one underway now alleging that Facebook reads members' mail. This is a "" link to the news story:

The short link that Blogtalkradio generated for the George Mallinckrodt interview actually posted a broadcast of "The Alan Levy Show" on my Facebook page when I elected from the Blogtalkradio STUDIO to "send to Facebook" at the conclusion of the broadcast. See my Facebook page at > The short link is for the January 11 broadcast that Blogtalkradio provided is

DISCLAIMER: When I used Windows operating system, I also used a security software that captured the IP addresses for agents who go online whenever I do. Up to four agents work online to sabotage my online input as I work. Therefore, this writer does not know if the censorship is applied by Blogtalkradio and Facebook or if NSA and FBI and CIA agents are covering-up inmate abuse evidenced by the murders of Darren Rainey and Larry Neal. I disclaim that this is an accusation against the Internet companies Facebook and Blogtalkradio. When a lawsuit is filed alleging violations against Mary Neal's First Amendment rights and rights to self expression under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the culprits should be revealed through a search of those Internet companies' records. They are culpable either by doing direct censorship or by their failure to secure my communication against the agents' sabotage.

Repeat of Paragraph 1: I received an email indicating that the January 11 "Human Rights Demand" show on Blogtalkradio is being censored. The radio show featured an author of "Getting Away with Murder," George Mallinckrodt, a psychotherapist who worked in Florida prisons until complaining about prisoner abuse. The book regards brutality to mentally ill prisoners in the Florida prison system, including the death by scalding of Darren Rainey, a 50-year-old black inmate who was mentally ill. He was murdered by corrections officers who locked Rainey in a scalding hot shower (temperatures over 180) and have not been charged with their crime. Rainey's autopsy report has not been released these 2.5 years after death. Despite the fact that over 205k people signed a petition for justice for Darren Rainey, there appears to be an effort to conceal his murder and other abuses by illegally censoring Mallinckrodt's interview on "Human Rights Demand." The notice I received is below.
Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Friday, January 9, 2015

Ignoring Decency and the Law

The City of San Francisco is asking the Supreme Court to read an exception into the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that Congress didn't write into it: that the ADA does not apply to police encounters. Mentally ill Americans already account for at least 50 percent of the police victims in America, and over half the nation's prisoners are mentally ill to some degree. Apparently, those numbers are intended to rise in San Francisco, where city officials applied to the Supreme Court to ignore the ADA and allow the killing of mentally ill people more liberally. The ACLU objects.

Even if San Francisco police were given the right to ignore ADA, as they apparently desire, that would not excuse the secret arrest (kidnapping) and murder of an American citizen with investigation, inquest, and explanations withheld. What happened to my brother, Larry Neal, is much worse than the disregard of his disabilities, which San Francisco so brazenly requests. Even stripped of the protections under ADA, people in San Francisco would still have their constitutional protections. Larry was treated like the Constitution omitted him. My brother's murder under secret arrest was the total disregard of his humanity as well as his American citizenship. Larry's unrequited murder after 18 days of secret incarceration gave evidence that this nation has forsaken God's laws and man's.

That is why stalkers were assigned to censor me to hide Larry's kidnapping and murder. They know exactly how abhorrent their crime was and that Larry's murder is impossible to explain except by acknowledging their savagery and illegitimacy as government employees and public officials. Larry's kidnapping and murder prove they are exactly like the sadistic Nazis who murdered 300k people who were labeled as being mentally dysfunctional in Germany BEFORE beginning to exterminate minorities (blacks, Jews, homosexuals and dissidents) during the Holocaust. Millions of people were killed in Germany for the same reason that Larry died: Larry was kidnapped and killed simply because he was different, and his difference irritated people who felt they had the right to exterminate him like a fly at a picnic.

Although decision makers feel no remorse for their crime, they recognize that most people still think of kidnapping and murder as being morally wrong and criminal. Therefore, exactly like Nazi Germany, they employ censorship to limit disclosure. Because of my persistence, you know about the wrongful death of Larry Neal by reading my articles. Hundreds of thousands of people in America and in foreign countries also know, including media companies, politicians, human and civil rights organizations. 

Your quiet acceptance of Larry's kidnapping and murder emboldened them to pass laws that made arrests without criminal charges legal under NDAA, with trials denied. Even assassinations of Americans under those conditions were legalized. Don't you hope that nobody in officialdom ever sees you as a fly at their picnic?

We should help the ACLU continue its fight against San Francisco receiving the right to disregard the ADA. Donate at this link:

Mary Loves Justice Nea
Phone (678) 531.0262 or duak (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Retaliation Against Plaintiffs - Tucker vs. OKC PD and The Cochran Firm

Many people are victims of police violence in the United States. Lawsuits filed after such incidents are a form of whistle blowing. Hear and share "Christopher Tucker vs. The Cochran Firm and Oklahoma City PD" at Human Rights Demand channel on Blogtalkradio, taped Jan. 7, 2015. Tucker said he was beaten and Tasered nearly to death in the Taser capital of America by Oklahoma City Police Department, then defrauded by The Cochran Firm, which committed malpractice regarding Tucker's resisting arrest charge. He sued the police and The Cochran firm and said he now experiences retaliation. Hear Tucker's interview at Human Rights Demand channel on Blogtalkradio.

The quality of the tape is very poor ONLY when Mary Neal speaks. I imagine a stalker sat with a scrambling device to prevent my clear delivery. Therefore, I will repeat my messages that were unclear in the tape on another broadcast, which I will announce here. It is very important for African Americans to get important consumer information about The Cochran Firm frauds. Since mainstream media will not report that law firm's continuous frauds against black clients like Mr. Tucker and myself, it is up to us to report our own deprivation of due process in American courts because of this suspected CoIntelPro program.

An article about the police brutality and Cochran Firm's fraud against Tucker is at

Christopher Tucker reports that he was severely beaten and Tasered repeatedly by Oklahoma City police officers. Oklahoma is said to be the Taser capital of the USA. He was then charged with resisting arrest and taken into custody. Tucker contracted with The Cochran Firm to defend him against the resisting arrest charge without knowing The Cochran Firm was not licensed to practice law in Oklahoma. The Cochran Firm allegedly took Tucker's case and charged a large fee - over $12k, but had no intention of actually representing Tucker. The Cochran Firm allegedly paid an Oklahoma lawyer just $500 to handle Tucker's defense but gave the local lawyer no information and documentation for Tucker's case. Therefore, Tucker lost his criminal court case. Tucker next sued The Cochran Firm and Oklahoma Police Department. Tucker reports that after litigation began in those cases, so did police retaliation begin against him. See the full report at the link directly above (the radio interview is available at this article's first link, 24/7).

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal