Sunday, May 12, 2013

CoIntelPro Removes Mother's Day Post From Mary Neal's FB Wall

CoIntelPro keeps removing this post from Mary Neal's Facebook wall. The pictures that are blocked are:

CoIntelPro later added back the second and third photo as single posts (I had put all three in a single row on my Facebook wall TWICE). But CoIntelPro did NOT add back the first photo with the black mother and child. What does that tell you about the cyber stalkers? Somehow, people are still able to comment on the post although it no longer shows on my wall. See the post below, if they let you.

This shows how it should look, but apparently, the stalkers could not stand seeing the photo of the pregnant black mother and her young child.
Happy Mother's Day!
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MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

CoIntelPro Removes Mother's Day Post From Mary Neal's FB Wall
CoIntelPro keeps removing this post from Mary Neal's Facebook wall. The pictures that are blocked are:

[3 photos - black mom and child, white or Latino mom and adult offspring, Asian grandmom and grandchild]

CoIntelPro later added back the second and third photo as single posts (I had put all three in a single row on my Facebook wall TWICE). But CoIntelPro did NOT add back the first photo with the black mother and child. What does that tell you about the cyber stalkers? Somehow, people are still able to comment on the post although it no longer shows on my wall. See the post below, if they let you.

This shows how it should look, but apparently, the stalkers could not stand seeing the photo of the pregnant black mother and her young child.
Happy Mother's Day!

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Purnell A. Crawford, Lizeka Ndlebe, Paul Field and 4 others like this.

Mary Neal
Sunil Aggarwal wrote: "Mother" - the one person in this world who can love us unconditionally, care for us without limits, give everything selflessly, and do all it takes to make us smile effortlessly.
58 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 1

Mary Neal
Click the photographs to see them clearly. Happy Mother's Day 2013!
42 minutes ago · Like

Lizeka Ndlebe
Nice one thank U
5 minutes ago via mobile · Unlike · 1

Mary Neal
This post mysteriously left my FB wall. Glad to know you can still see it. LOL.
4 minutes ago · Like

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

I started being censored in order to hide The Cochran Firm fraud against minorities across America. Later, as I started writing about other injustices, I noticed that my cyber stalkers hide four subjects more than others: articles regarding a) Christianity, b) police violence against blacks, c) brutality to the mentally ill, and d) prison profiteering.

The stalkers did not attack my Mother's Day post until I published a video of Dick Gregory saying that Malcolm Shabazz did not kill his grandmother. He seemed to blame the Government for her death. See it at this link:

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

Malcolm Shabazz had stalkers at Facebook, also, according to his last posts:

Message of fear and depression from Hajj Malcolm El Shabazz May 7th 2013... I beleive my FB acount is hacked. I have been getting really weird messages from people asking me about posts I didn't make, and messages that I haven't sent...I have some very powerful enemies. Ya'll may have won many battles, however, the war isn't over! You know who you are... (April 26) Feeling extremely depressed & highly stresses..