Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mail from Mary Neal Rejected by "Human Rights"

America's justice system has become a corrupt, racist slavery system that allows the torture and murders of non-whites and mentally ill people of all races. It could not have evolved IF human and civil rights organizations, politicians (particularly those politicians of color), churches, temples, civic organizations, labor unions, and average citizens actively tried to stop the abuse. My emails often bounce when I attempt to communicate with large human rights organizations. This could be because of cyberstalkers, but it might be because large human rights organizations do not care to acknowledge receipt of my reports and the fact that they were informed about crimes against humanity that regularly occur in the United States of America, especially to Americans with disabilities. See a bounce notice below regarding my attempt to email Human Rights First the message that is beneath the bounce notice. 

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain by [].
The error that the other server returned was:
550 5.4.1 []: Recipient address rejected: Access denied

REJECTED EMAIL: Comment to PressTV's article, "U.S. Executes Mentally Ill Black Prisoner" (Jan. 30, 2015)

Eugenics has gone to the next level in the USA, where eugenicists are no longer satisfied to prevent births among mentally challenged people and those who are considered "undesirable" because of black skin. Now such citizens are tortured in the jails and prisons and killed, with or without trials and execution orders. Tortures and deaths occur on a one-by-one basis currently, as far as I know. However, if other nations do not intervene on behalf of disabled people in America, roundups and mass murder could happen here. Carolina has already considered a roundup and internment of homeless Americans in the absence of any crime, and Oregon does "mercy killings." There is no compassion because money is god in the United States. Slavery may be America's fastest growing industry, partly because corporations prefer not to pay full salaries and employee benefits.

Prison investors work in the Justice Department, prison investors issue court orders, prison investors prosecute and "defend" defendants, prison investors work as crime lab technicians, and prison investors legislate laws. Their conflicts of interest are never mentioned when media companies discuss why America has the largest prison population in world history, because owners of media companies are also likely to be prison investors. America is more invested in slavery than it was in the 1700's. Whole towns rely on prisons for their economy, just as entire plantations relied on slavery over 150 years ago.

Mentally handicapped slaves may be considered "useless eaters" and are often killed - sometimes for sport. Families of the mentally ill may be censored, terrorized, financially persecuted, or subjected to a worse fate for complaining and seeking justice after wrongful deaths of disabled family members. We need intervention by the United Nations on behalf of non-white people in the USA and for mentally ill people of all races. Thanks for this article about another wrongful execution that is offensive to every civilized human being.

Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI)
Comment to

The man pictured at the top-right side of the collage is the only mentally ill man of the four who is still alive so far. Terrell Scott has been interned in Pennsylvania for over five years with trial denied. Brian Claunch, a mentally ill double-amputee was killed by police in his Texas care home where he sat in a wheelchair holding an ink pen for protection. Kelly Thomas, bottom-left, was beaten to death by six Fullerton County, CA police officers. Larry Neal, bottom-right, was secretly arrested, interned for 18 days while Memphis Shelby County police lied and denied having him in custody, then returned to his family as a naked corpse with no excuse or explanation, and all requests for information and records and due process of law have been denied to his survivors for twelve years. I suppose human and civil rights organizations in the United States do not want to acknowledge receipt of reports about the genocide that is happening within the USA to the mentally ill first -- just like Nazi Germany.
Thanks for your interest in how news about America's Holocaust is being censored. Justice is gagged. On previous articles, I entered information here that revealed how to remove agents' codes from links if readers are prevented from reaching the targeted data. I discovered last night that NSA, FBI, CIA or other stalkers have now devised a way to redirect links without codes that show up using the methods I laid out to my readers. The next "Justice Gagged" article "Human Rights DEMAND means that, Blogtalkradio" gives information on how I discovered this advancement in cyberstalking had been accomplished.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Human Rights DEMAND means that, Blogtalkradio

"Hands up, Nazis!" 

Blogtalkradio notified me that there is a problem showing the slideshow at my account. Tonight I discovered that not only are my photographs that were published since I received this explanation are affected, but the pictures are being corrupted on previously-recorded shows where the photographs were operating fine. This is unacceptable. Unless Blogtalkradio and NSA or other stalkers stop playing games with my broadcasts, I will file suit against Blogtalkradio next week. It could be that Blogtalkradio is not directly responsible for the censorship I endure; however, Blogtalkradio is responsible for security at its site. Below is an email from Blogtalkradio Support regarding my photographs that do not show at the billboards for "Human Rights Demand" shows, which is apparently a radio channel that Nazis in the government find concerning:

FEB 26, 2015  |  06:54PM EST 
Kathy T. replied [to my complaint about my photographs not showing on the billboard]:

We are aware and working on the bug associated with uploading images to your slide show for individual episodes. We will follow up with an email as soon as we have resolution to the issue. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused for you.
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to reply back to this email and we’ll
resume dialogue to help you feel comfortable with our features, technology and any questions
you might have.

Best Regards,
Kathy Tyson
Blogtalkradio Customer Service Representative 

Tonight I discovered that the url link to my "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio had been redirected. I placed the link in my article entitled "Most U.S. Blacks Are Native Americans." The link to "Human Rights Demand" channel is  When I clicked the link, it opened a web page (screenshot below) with the following url (click to enlarge):

Audio sound: Barely above a whisper on my "MaryLovesJustice Prayer Meeting" show at NNIA1 recording of "Giants Among Men Gen. 6:4" recorded on February 8th, wherein I criticized "giants" in technology, science, politics, and theology. I began with technological giants, featuring Steve Jobs on February 8. It was re-taped on February 15, 2015.

Photographs: Missing on various shows recorded in February 2015, including photographs that were previously in place on the billboard at Blogtalkradio.

url Links: Redirected away from my broadcasts.

Features missing: I am not allowed to have a phone during some broadcasts, and the chat line does not work.

Incoming calls: I have been told that callers are turned away from our Blogtalkradio shows with a lying message saying we are not on air when we are.

I believe these interruptions of services for which I am billed at the premium rate are sufficient to file a complaint regarding my First Amendment rights. I am particularly concerned about the redirection of my links. This time, there were no codes at the end of my link that cyberstalkers had illegally inserted to redirect the link. There were no spaces and percent signs, either. When I checked to see if the link's destination had been changed at the Blogger field, it had not. These NSA-like stalkers are coming up with new tricks to censor truth in the U.S.A., especially reports pertaining to the prison industrial complex, brutality and murders of America's mentally ill citizens, and racism toward Blacks in America. Redirecting links is FRAUD against my readers and myself. It is also fraud to list services premium customers have, charge me for the premium package, then withhold the services at will. Whether these censorship methods are being applied BY Blogtalradio or by others THROUGH Blogtalkradio is no concern of mine.

I gave up fighting cyberstalkers at Care2, after capturing film evidence of censorship at nearly every feature of the site, but I have no intention of conceding again. It was beneficial to let CoIntelPro chase me away from "Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill" at Care2 in order to prove that censorship is done against advocacy to stop incarcerating and murdering mentally ill citizens of the United States. After I stopped fighting the censorship team at Care2, I moved that advocacy work to "Dog Justice for Mentally Ill" blog at Blogger. I need no more evidence of systemic collusion among Internet companies against mentally challenged Americans for my book, "Cochran Firm Fraud." Secondly, I can re-write articles pretty quickly, if they are sabotaged; none are plagiarized. Reproducing radio broadcasts is not so easy, especially when I feature guests. Therefore, Blogtalkradio will be sued if even ONE more thing goes wrong. If I know my stalkers, they will attack "Human Rights Demand" channel again, because their demons are like mischievous children. They cannot resist the temptation.
Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here continually. Justice is gagged.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Friday, February 27, 2015

Yahoo Mail Sabotage Prevents Justice Quests' Success

Joanna is a plaintiff in a discrimination case in Georgia (read about it below). I sent Joanna an email to her Yahoo account and to her Gmail account. She received the message I sent to her Gmail account, but Yahoo lied and said the email was sent without content. See more proof below that nobody who is involved in justice quests should rely on Yahoo to communicate. 

Joanna has herself listed as "Too" at Yahoo, "Toi" at her Gmail account, and she lists me as "lm neal" at both accounts. I asked Joanna to take a screenshot of her received email, which Yahoo listed as having "no content" at (photo 2) and to take another screenshot from her Yahoo "inbox" lineup of emails to prove it was Yahoo that claimed the email I sent to her was without content (photo 3). I also asked her to take a screenshot of the message that was received by her Gmail account, which did NOT steal her mail like Yahoo apparently did (photo 1).
Photo 1

Photo 2

Forwarding the screen shot for your Friday, 2/27/15 email: regarding your Judge Bullock email.



11:29 AM (14 minutes ago)
to me
Forwarding the screen shot for your Friday, 2/27/15 email: regarding your Judge Bullock email.

Photo 3

Forwarding the screen shot for your Friday, 2/27/15 email: regarding your Judge Bullock email.

Sent from my iPhone

The screenshot below shows that it was that reported the email was empty. See the second entry below:

2nd email:  Forwarding the screen shot for your Friday, 2/27/15 email: regarding your Judge Bullock email.

Joanna said she had paid earnest money and other monies to buy her unit, and she feels that Georgia courts are working with her defendants to prevent justice for her. Unlike most of her neighbors, Joanna said she was a PURCHASER, not a renter. The property value increased so much that HUD and others apparently decided the land was too valuable for financially challenged people to live there, so most of the residents were relocated, but Joanna, as a buyer, was not. Conspirators against justice apparently rely on Joanna's ADD to make her an ineffective plaintiff against them.
Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged. If you find that a link in this blog is inactive, then please copy the inactive link and paste it into a new tab to reach the censored data. Remove everything that comes after the html (or whatever ended the link you copied), or you may be directed to a fake web page. If the link reaches a "page not found," then you should copy the link and paste it into a blank email or a Word document to make the agents' spaces and codes visible. Remove the spaces and codes, then paste the link into a search tab to reach the censored data. Thank you.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Friday, February 20, 2015

I'm Back, Cyber Bully

Hello, Justice Gagged followers. I thought I could walk away from this blog, but I need it to have someplace to vent. These stalker bullies are very irritating. Without Justice Gagged, my anger appeared in my social networks and articles. People noticed. LOVE draws people, and bitterness repels. I must have someplace to scream and rave and tell cyber stalkers I see what they do, I film what they do, and I will surely sue the people they work for eventually. I initially started Justice Gagged to supply myself with such an outlet while educating the public on sneaky, illegal censorship, and this blog is still necessary.

Below is a message to NSA, FBI, CIA, or other cyber bullies that I had initially published in my latest FreeSpeakBlog article. It did not belong there - It belongs here at Justice Gagged. See how much nicer my article looks now at "Most U.S. Blacks Are Native Americans"

Mr. Holder, could you influence the agents to stop removing the hard break after the names of my links? They seem to remove the hard breaks so that the last word of the title will run into the "http" and render the links inactive. Maybe some people don't notice censorship, but I look for it and am disappointed that I continually find it. Please stop. Too many people, including Blacks, fought and died for so-called "American civil rights" for these people to censor me the way that they do. Shame, shame, shame (Gomer's voice). If someone would explain to them how many times I have asked for justice for my brother who was secretly arrested and murdered and how I am followed and made to feel VERY UNCOMFORTABLE when I leave home, they will understand why I have so much time to research and write about the crimes against humanity that are as American as apple pie. Thanks in advance. I had to remove a whole line of codes that were at the paragraph about Alex Haley. That is enough proof for me that what Dick Gregory said has merit.

Excuse me, readers. I used to post censorship by these people in my Justice Gagged blog, but I got so angry one day that I stopped using that blog. I cannot understand why they seem so intensely opposed to my telling about the things they do when they continue to censor an ever increasing number of people and surveil everyone who uses Internet services, even the United Nations and foreign countries, according to their former NSA agent Edward Snowden and news reports.

It was VERY RUDE of you to disconnect MY phone while I was talking to a sister who called about this article, CoIntelPro. You people are and have always been domineering, rude, and racist - criminals who are probably not fully human (Gen. 6:4).

These animals actually disconnected my phone conversation. They merely listened while the doctor told me what work she was doing in the community to help channel youths in positive directions. We talked about that for roughly 10 minutes. Then she asked me to tell her something about myself, and right away BOOM! The stalkers hung up on us both. She tried to call back three times, but each time I answered, I could not hear her voice. Then I tried to call her using two different phones, but I reached her message service each time, and a message played saying there was no space for more messages. I am nobody's slave, nobody helps to pay the phone bills, and I am not supposed to be anyone's prisoner with a visiting list and time limit on phone calls. But that is how I am treated in the world's human rights beacon - America - because I am black and poor (thanks to "them"), and I try to help people to help people. 

Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here continually. Justice is gagged. If links are inactive, then please copy the link and paste it into a new tab to reach the censored data. Remove everything that comes after the "html" (or whatever ended the link you copied), or you may be directed to a fake web page. If that fails, copy the link and paste it into an empty email or Word document, and the codes or spaces that should not be in the link will be revealed. Remove them, and the link may work. Thank you.
Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Google, Don't Be Evil

That's a wrap, ladies and gentlemen. If Google is holding me down to be raped, there is nothing further I can accomplish online. It has been nice to have something to do while I have been practically living as a recluse for safety in these scary United States of America. My brother was secretly arrested and murdered for being a mentally, physically disabled "useless eater," and I have been punished for telling the world about that as well and as often as I could. Almost a year ago in Black History Month 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court authorized police to search Americans' homes minus any search warrant (timing tells you everything). They do that to our emails, U.S. Mail, online data, and telephone calls. Now our homes are open to police officers at a time when many of the officers have proved themselves to be untrustworthy. 

A friend shared a link from my FreeSpeakBlog at Google+, because it includes data about her murdered son. When I followed her link, it went to my article (on my view), but the article was NOT in my blog. In other words, Denise Johnson was given access to the article she wanted to share, but neither she nor the people she shared it with were given access to blog. That way, she and others cannot see my blog's index listing previously published articles, the petitions I publish in my left margin, my header with phone numbers (white people don't like for me to communicate via phone), or the information about "Dog Justice for Mentally Ill." They don't get to read about "AIMI vs. USA," which may be the main point. Redirecting people also prevents the public from accessing other articles in FreeSpeakBlog, because that code at the end of her link never took her to my blog. There is no invitation to see "next blog" or "previous blog." That is financial fraud, also, since the page where her link led had no Adsense ads, and I could not earn income from my article as I should. I am very disappointed that Google would do such a thing. I wrote:

"+Google Chrome, please tell your technicians or whomever is doing it to STOP putting that ?m=1 after my links to censor my readers and me. As you know, that code takes my readers only to the shared article and NOT to my actual blog. I am watching you soup people.  +Denise Johnson, whenever you share links to my articles, please always delete everything that appears after the html. Everything after the html is a code to direct people away from my blogs. I cannot BELIEVE Google did this to me. For all I know, they could have a ?m=2 that has only one paragraph, and a ?m=3 that has only a picture. They could use codes to direct people to online data I did not write and would not agree with, also. These people have destroyed my confidence that there is any righteousness online at all in the USA. Awful #censorship. (Now my words won't link after the # sign)."  [Edited for clarity - I was more upset when I originally wrote this, because I had just seen that Denise Johnson's link for my article did not lead to my blog.]

Google now seems just as bad as Care2 with their secret codes. I feel betrayed. I want you to know that some Internet companies add invisible codes to the end of one's links that only show up when you copy and paste the link into a new tab. It is absolutely best to just remove everything that shows up after the last letter that you know you copied (not all Internet documents and websites end in "html").

Incidentally, the article with the redirected link is entitled, "Government Set Designers Needed to Cover-up Lynchings (Immunity Ensured)."

We tell children not to waste all their time playing computer games. Well, guess what? Everything online is a game. You can type and type, and "they" can make what you typed invisible to anyone but you just by pressing a button.

God bless you, freedom-lovers. I hope you get saved soon, if you are not already. Satan is the prince of the air, and he has taken over every signal that travels through the air to reach our telephones, computers, televisions, etc. Google, with all of its capabilities, has apparently turned against justice for black women inquiring about missing and murdered relatives and demanding justice for America's disabled people. Black people, we are truly on our own now. I guess we always were. Power to the People.

It's a bit late for me to say this, but . . . 


You dropped a bomb on me. Now I wonder how much of this online censorship has been you. I bet I gave you people lots of laughs.

"Supreme Court ruling expands police authority in home searches"

Now they started changing the ?m=1 page to include some of the features that were originally missing. My header is in view, the "about me" data, and buttons to reach my next blogs. I want to show you a screenshot before they add more B.S. (Of course, what difference does a screenshot make that I also save in the Google cloud and in this Google Blogger blog?) Everything is left aligned, and my info that should be on the left margin is nonexistent in the ?m=1 pages. It's like The Cochran Firm frauds. Available to "represent" Blacks in law suits, but having itself declared nonexistent if you plan to sue The Firm.

Google, if you did not cyberstalk the link to my article at Google+, please say so. Write a comment below.


Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged. If links are inactive, then please copy the link and paste it into a new tab to reach the censored data. Remove everything that comes after the html (or whatever ended the link you copied), or you may be directed to a fake web page. Thank you.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Google Says "Google Is Unsearchable" for Mary Neal

I've been writing about Kendrick Johnson, the youth who was murdered in his Georgia high school. His parents are on trial in Lowndes County, GA today for protesting their denial of a just investigation and due process of law. They think they should be allowed to ask what happened to Kendrick Johnson and his ORGANS. I do, too. Now when I try to open Google, I get a message from Google saying that Google is unreachable. Can you believe it?
As Google executive said, "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place. ~ Eric Schmidt, Google. So this denial of access to Google must have been the cyber stalkers.

How did Kenneth Johnson's shoes get off his feet when he allegedly reached for someone else's shoe inside a wrestling mat taller than him? Why weren't his shoes inside the mat in the first picture but mysteriously appear in the second? Nothing suspicious about that, it's all just a coincidence from a freak accident that defies the laws of physics, science, and logic. Georgia's answer to these questions is to PROSECUTE AND JAIL KENDRICK JOHNSON'S PARENTS! There's a "SECRET WAR ON BLACK AMERICA AND VICTIM'S FAMILIES!" Join us today at 3pm EST on 2/3/2015 to discuss the#war at "Human Rights Demand" at Blogtalkradio. Call-in at (347)857-3293


Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged. IF the Blogtalkradio show link in this article fails to connect you to appropriate Blogtalkradio program taped February 3, 2015, then please copy the link and paste it into a new tab to reach the censored data. Thank you.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Monday, February 2, 2015

Censored at Blogtalkradio to Hide Johnsons' Prosecution for Inquiring About MURDERED Son

Blogtalkradio is appearing in Justice Gagged blog more than other Internet media companies lately. As Elaina Porter and I were on BlogTalkRadio discussing the persecution and prosecution of Kendrick Johnson's parents, our radio program ended after only 14 minutes. We plan another broadcast for February 3 at 3pmEST. The call-in nmber is (347)857-3293. We will use a second method to communicate simultaneously so that censoring Blogtalkradio alone will be insufficient.

Do these people REALLY expect black people in the USA to say NOTHING while our teenagers and disabled loved ones like Larry Neal are murdered? Kendrick Johnson's ORGANS were stolen. The medical examiner ruled his death homicide. But rather than looking for the killer, there appears to be a cover-up, and his parents are being prosecuted for demanding answers.

Kendrick Johnson deserved his life. Larry Neal deserved his life. These people CENSORED US TO HIDE THE PROSECUTION OF KENDRICK JOHNSON'S PARENTS! I cannot stop them from killing mentally ill black men like Larry Neal or teenagers like Kendrick Johnson, but they will NOT do it without my protest. I obey GOD, who said, "Speak for the voiceless and everyone who is appointed to destruction." Prov.31:8-9.

Please join us at "Human Rights Demand" channel at 3pm EST on Feb. 3 when we will again either discuss this issue or expose censorship to the United Nations and the entire world. I need affidavits from everyone who is prevented from calling.The show lasts two hours. I am using "Human Rights Demand" channel this time because we pay for that show, and to cut it off early will be FRAUD and EXTORTION. The link below is the tape for the 14-minute broadcast 2/3/2015, which was shortened by stalkers:

Human Rights for Prisoners March - GA vs. Kendrick Johnson's Parents
Recorded at National Network in Action - NNIA1 at Blogtalkradio on 2/3/2015.

Read more at "Georgia Speaks to Blacks Through Johnsons' Prosecution"

The cyberstalkers hate anything related to God. Years ago, they would edit my online writing and make his name always have a lower case "g". At Facebook and G+, I suggested that the picture below was a love note from God. Maybe that is why the photo does NOT show on the Blogtalkradio billboard. Does that prove that the stalkers are Satan worshipers? I think so.

Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged. IF either link in this article fails to connect you to appropriate web pages or the Blogtalkradio program taped February 3, 2015, then please copy the link and paste it into a new tab to reach the censored data. Thank you.

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Deleting truth to post Blogtalkradio description

Human Rights Demand, a Blogtalkradio channel, presents
"Secret War on Black America and Victims' Families"
Mary Neal, station director
(678)531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wednesdays throughout February 2015, at 9pm EST
Join discussions via phone (347)857-3293, or computer
(Archived tapes are re-played on Sundays at 3pm EST and are available after live shows for your access 24/7)

Notice that I promised in the announcement above to re-publish Wednesday shows on Sundays at 3pm EST. Today, I ran into a cyberstalker. Here is what happened:

Stalkers prevent my full description at Blogtalkradio for my Black History Month program. I have 17 more character spaces to use by Blogtalkradio's own count, as you can see at the screenshot below, but stalkers would like for me to modify my language to describe today's broadcast.

What part of my description do you think CoIntelPro would like for me to delete? The screenshot shows that by Blogtalkradio's own count, I have 17 more character spaces remaining to use. From looking at the part cyberstalkers attack on this screen, I think they would like to delete the link to the article I published in "MaryLovesJustice Human Rights Events" blog wherein I listed seventeen (17) of the individuals whose family members or community members objected to their murders and other victimization. I wrote:

"Human Rights Demand" offers a series of broadcasts for Black History Month 2015 entitled "Secret War on Black America and Victims' Families," which began in late January. During live broadcasts each Wed. in February at 9pm EST, please call (347)857.3293 to speak on air. Black History Month shows are rebroadcast on Sundays at 3pm EST. Today's program is a rebroadcast of our January 28th show, Part 1 in the Black History Month 2015 series.

Numerous relatives and friends of African American victims of oppression have found themselves in the position of heightened oppression for complaining about their relatives' victimization. This is also true of non-relatives who the system perceives as being potentially threatening to its cover-ups and denials of justice. In the bad old days, families of lynched persons might find a cross burning in their yards as a warning not to complain or seek justice. Today families still suffer persecution after having relatives victimized, and the same is true of community members who are vocal about resisting oppression. They may suffer financial persecution, wrongful prosecution, and even death.

A pdf of the original article "Secret War on Black America and Victims' Families" (rev. 2) is at

For a partial list of affected persons, see "Secret War on Black America and Victims' Families - Black History Month at Human Rights Demand"

In one urgent case, the parents of Kendrick Johnson face immediate prosecution. Johnson, 17, was killed in his Georgia high school, and his organs were stolen.

The proof that I have 17 character spaces remaining by Blogtalkradio's count is in the screenshot pictured below. What part of my description do you believe the stalkers hate most? I deleted part of the second paragraph and was allowed to post. I deleted this language:

In the bad old days, families of lynched persons might find a cross burning in their yards as a warning not to complain or seek justice. Today families still suffer persecution after having relatives victimized, and the same is true of community members who are vocal about resisting oppression. They may suffer financial persecution, wrongful prosecution, and even death.

I deleted the Sunday show for Feb. 1 since it was a re-broadcast and I was not allowed to have the billboard I wanted. 

Thank you for your interest in how America contains news about crimes against humanity that happen here. Justice is gagged.
Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill
If Nazis render any of the ten(10) links inoperable, simply copy the desired link and paste it into a fresh tab to reach the data. That is one way to overcome your censorship. Other ways are in my article, "Internet Censorship American Style by Mary Neal."