Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Free Legal Services Advertising: Pro Bono

*Lawyers* don't need to buy followers or spend much money for online advertising. I think law firms should invest more in their pro bono representation, especially in high profile cases. That is automatic publicity, especially if the law firms get smart enough to hire a media specialist to broadcast what is happening on its case(s) in social media. A college journalism student could do this part-time.

If a law firm represents one of the VICTIMS of the justice system in "DogJustice for Mentally Ill" blog (link below) 

http://DogJusticeformentallyill.blogspot.com , I can guarantee plenty of free online publicity as the public follows the case. I also publish legal victories that affect The People in my "Legal Victories" blog 
http://LegalVictories.blogspot.com - especially victorious cases that set favorable new precedents. TRY to send an email about your legal conquests today.

I need a civil rights lawyer about the denial of my First Amendment rights, which are continually and publicly violated. Visit Justice Gagged blog at http://JusticeGagged.blogspot.com and see video proof at http://www.youtube.com/jkempp703 . My censorship is blatant proof that the constitutional rights Americans rely on are violated continually for black and brown people, the mentally ill, and whites who lack wealth. Those are the victims for whom I advocate, and violating my right to do so also violates their right for legal advocates. Furthermore, it violates YOUR right to read my articles and view my videos. In fact, everybody gets censored when anybody does.

Want to see something evidentiary? "They" (probably NSA) would not let me publish this message on Google+
This post violates our policies; it's visible only to you

"To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker" — Frederick Douglass. Read more quotes at my article entitled "Censorship Quotes"

Defense lawyers are seldom mentioned in news articles about their cases in mainstream news - even very high-profile cases. For instance, consider the Marissa Alexander case. Everybody knows who the prosecutor in that case is: Angela Corey, a State Attorney in Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, which includes Duval, Nassau and Clay counties. Elected in 2008, she is the first woman to hold the position. She undoubtedly proved that women can be just as cold and heartless as any man. But how many people on the street know Alexander's defense lawyers are Bruce Zimet, P.A. and Faith E. Gay, of Quinn, Emanuel, Unquhart & Sullivan, LLP? Most news articles just refer to them as "Alexander's attorneys." Learn to toot your own horns, especially successful defense attorneys and law firms that successfully represent clients against the system.

Mary "Loves Justice" Neal
America's Most Censored

Repeat of Paragraph 1 (because "they" [likely Big-headed Brothers] sometimes code my articles to open after the first paragraph on cellphone view):

*Lawyers* don't need to buy followers or spend much money for online advertising. I think law firms should invest more in their pro bono representation, especially in high profile cases. That is automatic publicity, especially if the law firms get smart enough to hire a media specialist to broadcast what is happening on its case(s) in social media. A college journalism student could do this part-time.

1 comment:

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

Goodness! Big-headed Brothers don't want me go give free advice to attorneys. I repeat the article here and will read it on every radio show this week:

*Lawyers* don't need to buy followers or spend much money for online advertising. I think law firms should invest more in their pro bono representation, especially in high profile cases. That is automatic publicity, especially if the law firms get smart enough to hire a media specialist to broadcast what is happening on its case(s) in social media. A college journalism student could do this part-time.

If a law firm represents one of the VICTIMS of the justice system in "DogJustice for Mentally Ill" blog (link below)
http://DogJusticeformentallyill.blogspot.com , I can guarantee plenty of free online publicity as the public follows the case. I also publish legal victories that affect The People in my "Legal Victories" blog
http://LegalVictories.blogspot.com - especially victorious cases that set favorable new precedents. TRY to send an email about your legal conquests today.

I need a civil rights lawyer about the denial of my First Amendment rights, which are continually and publicly violated. Visit Justice Gagged blog at http://JusticeGagged.blogspot.com and see video proof at http://www.youtube.com/jkempp703 . My censorship is blatant proof that the constitutional rights Americans rely on are violated continually for black and brown people, the mentally ill, and whites who lack wealth. Those are the victims for whom I advocate, and violating my right to do so also violates their right for legal advocates. Furthermore, it violates YOUR right to read my articles and view my videos. In fact, everybody gets censored when anybody does.

Want to see something evidentiary? "They" (probably NSA) would not let me publish this message on Google+
"This post violates our policies; it's visible only to you"

"To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker" — Frederick Douglass. Read more quotes at my article entitled "Censorship Quotes"

Defense lawyers are seldom mentioned in news articles about their cases in mainstream news - even very high-profile cases. For instance, consider the Marissa Alexander case. Everybody knows who the prosecutor in that case is: Angela Corey, a State Attorney in Florida's Fourth Judicial Circuit Court, which includes Duval, Nassau and Clay counties. Elected in 2008, she is the first woman to hold the position. She undoubtedly proved that women can be just as cold and heartless as any man. But how many people on the street know Alexander's defense lawyers are Bruce Zimet, P.A. and Faith E. Gay, of Quinn, Emanuel, Unquhart & Sullivan, LLP? Most news articles just refer to them as "Alexander's attorneys." Learn to toot your own horns, especially successful defense attorneys and law firms that successfully represent clients against the system.

(photo of writer's chained hand)

Mary Neal