Monday, April 6, 2015

Censorship for Financial Persecution

Gee, I need a massage. It is such a hassle being America's most censored person. Google+, would you PLEASE tell the censorship team at your site to let Mary Neal publish whatever she wants unless it is something vulgar or libelous? Gee whiz! They won't let me publish information about my niece's book and bring it to the attention of my previous featured authors. I wrote about her book, "A Murder at Midnight" in the "MaryLovesJustice" blog at this url:

I recognize that my entire family is under financial persecution, but I don't believe a work of fiction is likely to Change our financial status significantly, even if it is wildly successful. Plus Sheila Houston has student loan bills. Therefore, please make whatever phone calls are needed in order to get permission to allow my post to publish, please. Thanks in advance. See the denial of service (DoS) proved below (select the screenshot for a larger view).

I am just going to stop writing online today. I wrote at Facebook saying I'd like to help coordinate activities for the "Stop Incarcerating Youth Week, May 17-23," and right away I got the burial insurance and coffin ad on my wall. Gee! That is NOT very friendly.

I get so tired of being denied the right to publish and getting terrorism online that I'm going to fix a snack and work offline for a while - but NOT on this Chromebook. "They" don't let me work offline on this computer, Google. They are afraid they might miss something. 

HBO is featuring a documentary called "Surveillance." I know all about surveillance and plan to watch this documentary to see what HBO knows about it. I am "America's Most Censored - Mary Neal" - and censorship is only half the story. The Patriot Act is up for renewal according to the YouTube film embedded below and at Let's watch now:

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Government Surveillance (HBO)

I wonder if the audience would think the surveillance program is funny if it was turned on them and their attempts to communicate full force, with four agents going online with them every time they log on in order to surveil and control every word and photo the people in the audience upload. How funny would it be if censorship was used to cover-up the secret arrest (a police kidnapping) and murder of their most vulnerable relative - a mentally, physically disabled American like my brother, Larry Neal? How funny would it be if they were followed in person by a man who says, "It pays well to follow you," and cops refuse to question the stalker? Government censorship to hide government crimes against humanity are not very funny to me, but I'm glad Oliver is talking about it. 

Where should the limits be? Oliver says Section 215. I don't know what is in Section 215, but I believe they should stop controlling my TV to prevent our access to local news every time a mentally ill person is killed in Georgia by police or if the state plans an execution ("they" don't like for me to write about those events). They should stop controlling my cellphone to prevent incoming and outgoing calls to/from people with whom they don't want me to communicate. They should NEVER AGAIN turn off the electricity in my home immediately after I book a guest to appear on our Blogtalkradio show who is apparently someone they do not want on air. See evidence of censorship to prevent the "Johnny Strozier Keeping It Real" in two of the articles among the next five in this "Justice Gagged" blog.

They don't like for me to write about what I perceive as being the eugenics program against mentally ill Americans and black people in the USA. But if it is supposed to be a secret, it would have been wiser not to introduce the idea of putting Margaret Sanger on the $20 bill (see her pictured on the money below). Her image on U.S. money would speak louder than all of my articles about eugenics in America. By the way, three urls should appear in this aricle above this point, but you never know. Most stalkers think like children. Half the things they do are just for the sake of irritating targets. 

First Paragraph Repeated: Gee, I need a massage. It is such a hassle being America's most censored person. Google+, would you PLEASE tell the censorship team at your site to let Mary Neal publish whatever she wants unless it is something vulgar or libelous? Gee whiz! They won't let me publish information about my niece's book and bring it to the attention of my previous featured authors. I wrote about her book, "A Murder at Midnight" in the "MaryLovesJustice" blog at this url:

Mary Loves Justice Neal
Phone (678) 531.0262 or (571)335-1741
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
"Human Rights Demand" Radio Station Manager
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill


MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

Google, the cyber stalkers and I fight over this continually. I posted this article at 2:08amEST. I know that is 11:08pmPST in Silicon Valley, but I would prefer if the time showing as "time posted" was my time zone and not theirs. Why don't they get their own damn blogs? Thanks.

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

The message "they" won't let me publish at G+ says:

Maya Schrenwar, Dave Koch, George Mallinckrodt, and Judge Mary Bullock, a new author is featured at MaryLovesJustice for April: Sheila Houston. She wrote a suspense thriller. When you read it, you will be able to see why it is featured although it is fiction. Coming soon, we will feature Pamela Spiro Wagner, aka +Pam Wagner, an excellent poet and artist who happens to have mental illness, and a book by Britton Mosley, whose book is called "False Evidence. It regards his "adventures" as a correctional officer for the Mississippi DOC and his narrow escape from being imprisoned himself when he actually tried to help inmates. George Mallinckrodt can relate to that, I am sure. I won't tell you who the third author will be, but you know her. Blessings.