Wednesday, March 26, 2014

PressTV, Did USA Forbid Mary Neal Interviews?

Not all targeted individuals suffer from remote neural monitoring, etc. I am followed, censored, and persecuted, but have been attacked by this new technology only once when I was blasted with a directed energy device. See where a PressTV interview was at I spoke about my directed energy attack during a +Press TV interview and showed my blood and tissue on two ruined towels. Iran saw it, but the video is censored in the USA. 

It has been some time since I was interviewed by PressTV, and I wonder if the USA forbade foreign press to interview me like I suspect was done to U.S. media companies. I have interviewed privately with major media companies in the USA, but they never publish the interviews. The secret arrest and murder of my mentally, physically disabled brother Larry Neal is a highly censored topic. The criminalization of African Americans and the mental ill for prison profits is also censored, and those are my main topics. Furthermore, The Cochran Firm continues to operate as CoIntelPro in the black community, and a good deal of money was used to open those law offices throughout the country. Google "Mary Neal PressTV" to see and hear some of my interviews.

People say that America's gross national product is down, but they may fail to realize that American citizens are the nation's biggest commodity. Americans are considered to be in a "slave pool," especially African Americans. When there is a need for "fresh stock," police officers simply go fishing and draw in a catch. In 2011, the U.S. Congress and president assigned the White House the power to indefinitely intern anyone, including citizens, without levying criminal charges or allowing victims a speedy, open trial with adequate defense counsel provided (Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution), but this seems to happen only to African Americans thus far. Criminal charges are levied, but prosecutors know there is no real requirement to take the cases to trial. Victims are simply arrested and tortured behind bars until they agree to lie on themselves and accept plea deals (see North Carolina v. Shannon Nyamodi, and see Pennsylvania v. Terrell Scott). They may be sentenced and extorted of probation fees upon release. When victims fail to pay the extortion money timely, they are then re-arrested and forced to serve the entire prison sentence - all without any trial-by-jury. Presto! A new prison sentence to buy or sell on Wall Street.

Wrongfully convicted people have trouble getting new trials with post-conviction evidence and are denied DNA tests to prove their innocence, because guilt and innocence are basically irrelevant. The irrelevance of innocence was pointed out by U.S. Supreme Court justices in the following two cases: 

(1) the majority opinion in "Alaska District Attorney's Office vs. Osborne," denied a convicted man the right to conduct DNA tests on the State's evidence.
(2) The minority opinion in Georgia vs. Troy Anthony Davis
Justice Scalia wrote: 'This Court has never held that the Constitution forbids the execution of a convicted defendant who has had a full and fair trial but is later able to convince a habeas court that he is ‘actually’ innocent. Quite to the contrary, we have repeatedly left that question unresolved, while expressing considerable doubt that any claim based on alleged ‘actual innocence’ is constitutionally cognizable.”

I know very few government secrets. I publish information that is presented in the public domain, except for (a) my mentally, physically disabled brother's kidnapping and murder, (b) The Cochran Firm's fraud against African Americans, and (c) systemic discrimination against the mentally ill. Therefore, I suspect that revealing these three secrets cause my intimidation and censorship. Reports about the victimization of mentally ill Americans (except Larry Neal's murder) are widely published online and even by mainstream news companies, but the reports are treated as individual circumstances and not as hate crimes and systemic discrimination against a class of people. Health discrimination is exactly what is happening in the USA, and it is done BY the justice system.

Over half the victims of police violence and prisoner abuse and murders are people with acute mental illness of all races and ages. Perhaps you have been too busy living your life to notice that, but I hope you will begin to take note. One in five Americans has mental illness and/or suffers from substance abuse problems; therefore, you very likely have a relative, neighbor or friend with such issues. Begin to notice systemic discrimination and hate crimes against our most vulnerable citizens, please, including African Americans, the mentally ill, and addicts. It is your duty to notice and to demand relief for these people. 

"Open thy mouth for the dumb in the cause of all such as are appointed to destruction. Open thy mouth, judge righteously, and plead the cause of the poor and needy." ~Proverbs 31:8-9

Mary Neal, director
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI)
Dog Justice for Mentally Ill
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Repeat of Paragraphs 1 and 2 for cellphone users: 
Not all targeted individuals suffer from remote neural monitoring, etc. I am followed, censored, and persecuted, but have been attacked by this new technology only once when I was blasted with a directed energy device. See where a PressTV interview was at I spoke about my directed energy attack during a +Press TV interview and showed my blood and tissue on two ruined towels. Iran saw it, but the video is censored in the USA. 

It has been some time since I was interviewed by PressTV, and I wonder if the USA forbade foreign press to interview me like I suspect was done to U.S. media companies. I have interviewed privately with major media companies in the USA, but they never publish the interviews. The secret arrest and murder of my mentally, physically disabled brother Larry Neal is a highly censored topic. The criminalization of African Americans and the mental ill for prison profits is also censored, and those are my main topics. Furthermore, The Cochran Firm continues to operate as CoIntelPro in the black community, and a good deal of money was used to open those law offices throughout the country. Google "Mary Neal PressTV" to see and hear some of my interviews.

WHO is in jail generating prison profits?

See the graft below by Mother Jones, which shows the percentage of inmates with mental health problems as of 2004 in federal prisons, state prisons, and local jails. Recognize that these figures are a decade old:

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