Monday, January 13, 2014

Did Facebook Burn Franklin Co., NC Courthouse Records?

Facebook prevents me from updating my friends there on the criminal case against Shannon Nyamodi. I tried to post the following update, but I was repeatedly PREVENTED from doing so:
***January 13, 2014 UPDATE*** 
Shannon Nyamodi's mother was wrongly prevented from seeing him for weeks after her interview with me on NNIA. Elizabeth Crudup was finally allowed to see her son two weeks ago. Shannon Nyamodi's lawyer quit; his D.A. quit his job entirely. Courthouse records were BURNED from the 1800's to today. Shannon has a hearing on January 21, 2014. Continue to pray for justice for this innocent youth who was wrongly prosecuted for shooting a woman who says herself that Shannon is innocent. He is the person who HELPED her. Shannon needs a new NC defense attorney. See my first article about Shannon and listen to his mother's interview with NNIA at this url  "Shannon Nyamodi: A Good Samaritan Imprisoned"

Pray for other wrongly convicted people whose evidence might have been destroyed in the courthouse records fire. Records were reportedly removed from the courthouse and deliberately DESTROYED - likely to cover-up corruption!

160 year-old Documents Intentionally Destroyed in Franklin County, N.C.

Katherine Crudup and I will continue to pray that justice be done for Shannon. Please pray with us. 

MaryLovesJustice Neal

When I tried to post the information, I had to first unscramble a Captcha code. After I did that, Facebook gave me a message saying I was BLOCKED from posting that information! Shannon's story is all over the Internet. The fact that the courthouse records burned is all over the Internet, too. There are no secrets in the information I posted. Why would Facebook prevent me from posting it? Did Facebook burn the courthouse records in Franklin County, North Carolina? 

The stalkers who sign in with me at Facebook may be CoIntelPro NSA agents, and this may not be Facebook's fault at all. They sign in when I do. Tonight I captured proof of that. The agents ALWAYS put their own password in the field for new people registering at Facebook every time I input my password and user name in the usual logon fields. See proof at the url below:


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