Friday, April 26, 2013

CoIntelPro's New Censorship Method

CoIntelPro is tired of me telling when they don't let me join Internet social networks, so they are trying something new. They let me join, but they don't let me assign my own password. They set the password. Then they go behind me and remove my membership or they remove my posts. I just joined the Village Voice. But I did not receive any email from the Internet site confirming membership. The password was not set by me, but by CoIntelPro. That way THEY become the administrators of my online social media accounts. I protest this GROSS INJUSTICE against my black a** because I dare ask What Happened to Larry Neal.

Erase my articles and redirect the links that you want to, but there is a GRAVE you cannot erase in Memphis, Tennessee where a disabled American is buried, for whom you REFUSE to give accountability and often use black CoIntelPro agents to censor me. I received and set no password for the Village Voice, because most members there are black people. The last thing these CoIntelPro agents want is for Mary Neal to have communication with black people who may not know about the systemic murders of black inmates who are mentally or physically ill, like Larry Neal and Ronald Spear, whose brother I befriended at Facebook, despite much interference from CoIntelPro animals. See Ronald Spear's story at
Murdering Disabled Riker's Island Inmates: Ronald Spear

Evil, demonic, racists, what do you hope to gain by keeping me from communicating with African Americans? There are many justice minded Caucasians who also abhor your murderous injustice system.

1 comment:

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

CoIntelPro is tired of me telling when they don't let me join Internet social networks, so they are trying something new. They let me join, but they don't let me assign my own password. They set the password. Then they go behind me and remove my membership or they remove my posts. I just joined the Village Voice. But I did not receive any email from the Internet site confirming membership. The password was not set by me, but by CoIntelPro. That way THEY become the administrators of my online social media accounts. I protest this GROSS INJUSTICE against my black a** because I dare ask What Happened to Larry Neal.

Erase my articles and redirect the links that you want to, but there is a GRAVE you cannot erase in Memphis, Tennessee where a disabled American is buried, for whom you REFUSE to give accountability and often use black CoIntelPro agents to censor me. I received and set no password for the Village Voice, because most members there are black people. The last thing these CoIntelPro agents want is for Mary Neal to have communication with black people who may not know about the systemic murders of black inmates who are mentally or physically ill, like Larry Neal and Ronald Spear, whose brother I befriended at Facebook, despite much interference from CoIntelPro animals. See Ronald Spear's story at
Murdering Disabled Riker's Island Inmates: Ronald Spear

Evil, demonic racists, what do you hope to gain by keeping me from communicating with African Americans? There are many justice minded Caucasians who also abhor your murderous injustice system.