Saturday, February 23, 2013

Citizen: A Sacred Word

I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides . . . Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all. ~ Elie Wiesel, Nobel Prize for Peace, 1986.

That is a post I am trying to place on my Facebook wall at . So far, the picture has not posted. My new Googlebooks computer was also put on my cyberstalkers' network. I called DeKalb County Police Department about the violations against my First Amendment violations last week when my new computer was taken over. I was surprised when Det. Brown said he would have a detective from the cybercrime unit call me, but no detective called so far. 

It was shocking to learn that DeKalb County has a cybercrime unit. I had been given to understand that cyberstalking is not a crime in Georgia, according to Det. Miller, the officer who received my crime report in 2011. That is when my computer security system captured the IP addresses of persons who censor my online input and control which links I can open (SOPA). In fact, cyberstalkers illegally put my computer on their network to control my speech online, because I advocate for freedom and justice for all - a terrorizing prospect for corrupt officials and corporations they serve.

My fight for free speech began six years ago when I went online to attract support for justice regarding my mentally, physically disabled brother, Larry Neal. Larry was secretly arrested (kidnapped) by Memphis Police and incarcerated in Shelby County, Tennessee Jail for 18 days until he died by undisclosed means on August 1, 2003. The United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) allowed Shelby County Jail to omit its obligation under its Agreement with the USA to file an inmate fatality report on Larry's murder, and the USDOJ accepted testimony and reports that it knew to be false in Release hearings for the jail in that the testimony reports deliberately omitted any mention of the disabled CITIZEN who was killed there. I emphasize "citizen" because I received an email from the White House that seemed to declare that word "sacred." I do not know what the article said, because CoIntelPro would not allow the link to open. See it at the link below. Memphis, a city where one citizen a month is killed under the color of law, hosts its Ku Klux Klan rally on March 30, 2013. A link for more information is below.

Another reason why four cyberstalkers go online with me whenever I use online services is to protect the reputation of CoIntelPro attorneys at The Johnnie Cochran Firm. That firm's name is to remain untarnished in the public's mind while it continues to defraud black and brown citizens coast to coast. Atlanta police officers threatened me with Tasering and arrest for telling the public in person about Larry's lynching and The Cochran Firm's fraud against us to protect the jail in 2010, and cyberstalkers censor my Internet input. Last week, I arranged for a former Cochran Firm partner to broadcast on the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio show and tell about his own experience with the firm that defrauded my elderly mother and family after Larry's lynching in Shelby County Jail. Randy McMurray, Esq., a former partner in the firm's California office, filed suit alleging RICO Act racketeering against The Cochran Firm on February 14, 2013. Listen to the tape at Blogtalk to Rev. Pinkney's February 17 show, for which the link is posted among the nine(9) links below.

As U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia recently announced, the Constitution is dead, dead, dead. It is seemingly dead in the minds of people who receive Americans' tax money to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic. 

As Elie Wiesel said, silence regarding evil is acquiescence. That is why President Carter denounced America's crimes against humanity in his oped piece, and it is why the National Black Church Initiative (NBCI) denounced President Obama's "right" to order extrajudicial assassinations of persons who are denied any opportunity to face their accusers and defend themselves. NBCI is a faith-based coalition of 34,000 churches comprised of 15 denominations and 15.7 million African Americans. Although cyberstalkers make it hard for Americans to communicate about certain issues (especially justice issues, my usual subject), it behooves us all to continue resisting oppression for ourselves, our children, and the world. 

Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Loving Justice Scalia

Mary Neal v. CoIntelPro Continues

Randy McMurray, Esq. Sues His Former Firm for RICO Act Racketeering, Saying The Cochran Firm Defrauded Him and the Public

Black Churches Condemn Obama's Drone Policy As Murder

Former President Jimmy Carter: America's Shameful Human Rights Record 

From the White House: A Single Sacred Word - Citizen

All We Say to America is, "Be True to What You Said on Paper." ~MLK

My Flag, My Country, by Mary Neal


MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

Another reason why four cyberstalkers go online with me whenever I use online services is to protect the reputation of CoIntelPro attorneys at The Johnnie Cochran Firm. That firm's name is to remain untarnished in the public's mind while it continues to defraud black and brown citizens coast to coast. Atlanta police officers threatened me with Tasering and arrest for telling the public in person about Larry's lynching and The Cochran Firm's fraud against us to protect the jail in 2010, and cyberstalkers censor my Internet input. Last week, I arranged for a former Cochran Firm partner to broadcast on the Rev. Pinkney Blogtalk Radio show and tell about his own experience with the firm that defrauded my elderly mother and family after Larry's lynching in Shelby County Jail. Randy McMurray, Esq., a former partner in the firm's California office, filed suit alleging RICO Act racketeering against The Cochran Firm on February 14, 2013. Listen to the tape at Blogtalk to Rev. Pinkney's February 17 show, for which the link is posted among the nine(9) links below.

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Loving Justice Scalia

Mary Neal v. CoIntelPro Continues

Randy McMurray, Esq. Sues His Former Firm for RICO Act Racketeering, Saying The Cochran Firm Defrauded Him and the Public

Black Churches Condemn Obama's Drone Policy As Murder

Former President Jimmy Carter: America's Shameful Human Rights Record

From the White House: A Single Sacred Word - Citizen

Memphis hosts Ku Klux Klan meeting on March 30, 2013

All We Say to America is, "Be True to What You Said on Paper." ~MLK

My Flag, My Country! by Mary Neal