I can't believe it! Well, that's not true - I believe anything now. I have had a steady diet of Red Pills for seven years. My awakening started when the U.S. Department of Justice conspired with Memphis/Shelby County Jail to cover-up the 18 days of secret arrest and murder of my mentally, physically disabled brother, Larry Neal in 2003. The Cochran Firm was hired to trick my elderly mother into a contract hiring the fraud lawyers as our wrongful death attorneys, and they defrauded us to help the jail escape accountability. Someone arranged to keep Larry's death and The Cochran Firm fraud out of mainstream media. When I began publishing the crimes online, stalkers were hired to follow me and censor me on the Internet to prevent public disclosure. Now it appears that the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder is a gunrunner! That is not hard for me to believe since he is an accessory after the fact regarding the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal ( http://WrongfulDeathOfLarryNeal.com ) and so were three U.S. Attorney Generals before Holder. Police were instructed to ignore the crimes against my family when my articles became widely read and stalking increased. They completely ignore the fact that I spend hours working online, and stalkers steal my work product, although we are to believe Congress wants to protect intellectual property with S.968 and H.R.3261. I tweeted about 21 new entries so far today, but my number of tweets only increased by a couple. Look at the ONE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE (131) tweets below and see if you can guess which ones the cyberdogs interrupted (or they may steal some from my clipboard and not allow them to post)! That is why "lists" is not a link below. The stalkers do not want you to compare the tweets on the lists that follow me with the tweets of mine that should have posted and did not. Maybe Mr. Holder ordered my censorship and equip citizens police with homes, cars and sophisticated computer equipment. I frequently write about the suspicious new neighbors who may be paid your tax money to suppress and terrorize me because I write about America's decline into fascism. See my December tweets below:
@HDOTS360 Yes. I was cleaning up after communion,but He made me a human rights activist. I suffer CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION goo.gl/snw8X
@thehill Is Eric Holder a gunrunner as well as an accessory after the fact re Larry Neal's murder? washingtonexaminer.com/blogs/beltway-…
@progress2050 Not working on jobs.They're LYNCHING AMERICA maryneal.hubpages.com/hub/Lynching-A… but citizens get FOOD STAMP REPARATIONS goo.gl/XAIxv
@progress2050 I don't think Congress is working on jobs behind locked doors, but bills like S.968, HR3261, and S.1867 freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/mary-n…
@Google It's simple. I think of what I'd do if I wanted 2 conquer the world, then look online to see if they did it yet freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/07/mary-n…
@ACLU Plan: They'll allege plagiarism against dissidents' websites 2 excuse removal under HR3261, S968.Tell bloggers how 2 meet requirements
@ACLUMadison 1st Amendment attack: They'll allege plagiarism against dissidents' websites to excuse removal under HR3261, S968
@RawStory @prisonplanet @newyorktimes @wikileaks They'll allege plagiarism against dissidents' websites to excuse removal under HR3261, S968
@TheBlackList @RCdeWinter Plan: Allege plagiarism to remove dissidents' websites that have all original content when H.R.3261 passes #CENSOR
@Google @Bing @Yahoo @NowPublic @Care2 @atllawblog @LegalBlogWatch @Lawyerscom Must bloggers eliminate ALL quotes fr other sources re HR3261
@Google @Bing @Yahoo @NowPublic @Care2 @atllawblog @LegalBlogWatch @Lawyerscom Bloggers need instruction re saving their blogs fr HR3261.
@Google They plan to use plagiarism accusations to remove dissident's websites that have all original content under H.R.3261. Can U help?
@TheJusticeDept I plagiarize zero, only using brief statements fr major news sources w/ links. I use Revelation 2 know what's next on agenda
@Delaproser @OWSAtlanta @OccupyWallSt HUNDREDS OCCUPY CONGRESS straitstimes.com/BreakingNews/W… Occupy Demand: DIVEST OR RESIGN! freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/10/occupy…
@rww Video: Grandma's Fighting! (One Born Every Minute) worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.p… - See second frame on page. Black women are close to the edge.
@blackvoices Video: Grandma's Fighting! (One Born Every Minute) worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.p… Don't mess w/ black women. We're close to the edge!
@Lawyerscom @LegalBlogWatch Miami exec. gets 35-yr sentence for $205 mil healthcare fraud goo.gl/8ghJ7 Google "Cochran Firm Fraud."
@Google STALKERS TRY 2 CLOSE MARY NEAL'S BLOGS goo.gl/NDcOQ See 4 comments at Occupy Demand: Divest or Resign - goo.gl/IGcqe
@Google "Rodney King: My Write-in Candidate" goo.gl/JtsQq @Peace @thehill @Delaproser @WeAreThe99Prcnt @OWSAtlanta @RCdeWinter #God
@RCdeWinter @EFF @Google @theGrio @TheBlackList @VictorHoustonBP @AwakenToGod GOD AND I HATE NAZIS AND SELL-OUT NEGROES marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2011/12/god-an…
@biblegateway @TheJesusTweeter @GodsWordisTruth @BibleVerseQuote 70,000+ TRUE UPRISING 4 YESHUA #JESUS CHRIST goo.gl/3S0w5 #Egypt
@rww Thx 4 supporting @ReprieveUK goo.gl/tvKTA @innocenceblog goo.gl/T9DyI @TreatmentAdvCtr goo.gl/Zt7nm and justice
@adrigonzo @danielhoang Senators moved w lightning speed to pass S.1867 for indefinite military detention of Americans w/o criminal charges.
@Delaproser @OccupyWallSt @OWSAtlanta @CNN @Google BOYCOTT4JUSTICE! No Shopping 9th of any mo during 2011! VIDEO youtube.com/watch?v=_FVLRU… #911
@MMFlint It's Christmas shopping time, but pls STOP SHOPPING midnight Wed until midnight Thur. BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE on 9th of ea mo. 2011 #9/11
@Google @ACCADP @LegalReform @Twitter to MaryLovesJustice - Dec 6 marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2011/12/twitte… - Thx to new followers and those who tried & failed.
@Google @lawyerdir God and I Hate Nazis and Sell-out Negro Confederate Soldiers marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2011/12/god-an…
@DavidLaw I know little outside how to use computers and spot INTERNET CENSORSHIP AMERICAN STYLE - videos at youtube.com/jkempp703 #hackers
@Yahoo @Google @bing The Gov is mean to my mom & me, so I wrote Pres Obama. Commercials say he cares about human rights goo.gl/zL4FZ
@OccupyWallSt @JudicialWatch CochranFirm: 7 questions to ask B4 hiring a personal injury atty. Omitted "Do U defraud old blk women 4 jails?"
@TreatmentAdvCtr Excellent resource! treatmentadvocacycenter.org Thanks for helping mentally dysfunctional ppl and their families who love them.
@LexisNexis Cochran Firm: 7 Q to ask B4 hiring a personal injury atty. Omitted: "Do U defraud old black women 4 jails?" world.einnews.com/247pr/250192
@Google S.968 permits @TheJusticeDept to lock ppl out of sites by preventing links from opening? Someone just locked me out of @biblegateway
@personhoodusa One day I was walking downtown when right-to-lifers marched. Lady said, U right 2 lifer? I said, Yes, I'm an anti-DP activist
@Google Who needs this drama? I just want to live in a house by the side of the rd and be a friend to man ipoet.com/ARCHIVE/origin… JusticeDenied
@gossip Americans R in pitiful shape.Some approach po me re human rights abuses. I say "Can't you see they don't care?" goo.gl/qSxIg
@SaveHumanRights I told Yvonne they do nothing abt my sick bro's secret arrest & murder, so what was done to her won't be addressed probably
@rephankjohnson Why must citizens make documentaries becuz media is taken over & reps don try to @SaveHumanRights ? Civil rgs already gone.
@rephankjohnson Are y'all going to help Yvonne? She's a black business woman who says she was run out of a GA county & dared to return.
@Google Stalkers can shorten videos. They also can attack USB ports and flash drives. Must load Edwina's film! goo.gl/LN8bp #sex
@Google Uploading EdwinaDavis video when stalkers STOP FOLLOWING ME TO PC RENTAL LOCALS. They took over our hm PC AGAIN goo.gl/LN8bp
@Lawyerscom On Sunday's Rev.Pinkney @Blogtalk show, Edwina will cont. her story re "THE COCHRAN FIRM TERRIFIES ME!" goo.gl/LN8bp
@Twitter @Google I want 2 say thanks.U make a difference.Together, we can make EndGame a 41st century issue goo.gl/7QeXV Also fb
@TheBlackList @Christian4Peeps @OccupyWallStreet @RCdeWinter GOING CAMPing? jewishvirtuallibrary.org Don't miss your train! goo.gl/WBxdq
@BibleVerseQuote Some humans, although intelligent & successful, R sociopaths and lack natural affection (2 Timothy3:3) Demons? (Gen.6:1-2).
@EFF Some human women mated with fallen angels (demons) & split their kids' gene pool.Thus, Bible says "Some Lost from Beginning." Gen.6:1-2
@SaveHumanRights @hrw @oracleradio S.1867 - America's Final Solution freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/s1867-… @Google @ztep @vlu77 @CA_target @KCADP @Dputamadre
@SaveHumanRights Hope experimentation isn't why black ppl w/ mental & emotional issues are going missing after police.. goo.gl/WBxdq
@OWSAtlanta @OccupyWallStreet @RevPinkney @TreatmentAdvCtr @FRamabama TEN OUTLANDISH PLANS 4 U BY CORPORATE SCIENTISTS naturalnews.com/034229_science…
@Mashable Everyone should copy/paste their tweets into a Word doc or blogs. An extra @ precedes tweets that are targeted for removal. Try it
@VictorHoustonBP S.1867 reminds one of events in 1867.On 1/8/1867, law for black men to vote in D.C. was passed. More goo.gl/WBxdq
@TheBlackList S.1867 reminds one of events in 1867.On 1/8/1867, law for black men to vote in D.C. was passed. More at goo.gl/WBxdq
@Google @Twitter @AntiwarScott @ACLU @SenCarlLevin @cxs America's Final Solution [to philosophy of liberty] freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/s1867-… #government
@Delaproser @ACLU @rww Where R the good 'lil monkeys who saw, heard & spoke against no evil? In FEMA camps w/ the outspoken 'lil monkeys.
@Twitter These EVIL DOGS prevent me from changing my password again. We supposedly have the 1st Amendment until S.968 passes like S.1867 did
@InmateRights What rights do any Americans have after S.1867? Get a new name. Try "SLAVE."
@FindLawLP WHAT are criminal lawyers going to do post-S.1867? The Gov doesn't even have to levy charges when it needs more prison labor now.
@CNN A friend said, "Maybe you'd better stop speaking truth to power after S.1867." I replied, "Slavery? No, thanks. Been there, done that."
@iSupremeCourt @SupremeCourtRep ... if any. Otherwise, they should just interrupt broadcasting and make the announcement.
@iSupremeCourt So many laws like S.1867 nullify provisions of the Constitution that we need a rewrite, please, to know what we have left.
@1000paydayloans Lots of bad news for the military & the rest of U.S. every day, but with S.1867, it seems DANGEROUS to petition for redress
@Google Troy Davis' Sister MartinaDavis-Corriea is Dead freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/troy-d… @PrisonMinistry @Prisonwatchint @Delaproser @FreetheInnocent
@Google @Twitter My warnings that the Gov turned #Nazi are no longer needed. Congress announced it by passing S1867 @RCdeWinter @Delaproser
@Google Added 13th reason why I'm "America's Most Censored: Mary Neal" goo.gl/2cUXK PRACTICING Christianity and Judaism are outlawed
@Google Updated "End Game Reports by Mary Neal" goo.gl/FKYxm S.968, H.R.3261, and S.1867 for military arrests & indefinite detention
@Delaproser Here's my Google+ album plus.google.com/u/0/photos/115… Almost 300 photos under EXPOSED. I'm just learning Google+ and loving it. You in?
#OccupyLA Rubber bullets or beanbags definitely being fired into treehouse. 3 shots fired so far. bit.ly/ocAaBC #ows #equality
@SherylNantz8942 @rog_smith @InjusticeNews2 I wrote President Obama an open letter about crimes against humanity in USA goo.gl/AMkv9
@Google Good news re People TV in Atlanta! marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2011/11/urgent… Thanks, Mayor @KasimReed and other City officials!
@OccupyWallSt @MMFlint @TheBlackList Army hiring for INTERNMENT RESETTLEMENT SPECIALISTS (FEMA camps under S.1867?) goo.gl/aqlvM
@Google @peace @BIG_GOV @Delaproser Army taking apps for INTERNMENT RESETTLEMENT SPECIALISTS (FEMA camps under S.1867?) goo.gl/aqlvM
@iammilitary @peace Iraq Marine vet shot 60 times out of 71 shots fired by Tucson police goo.gl/gHSSu A Kathryn Johnston-type death.
@CalCrimeVictims I read abt yo trouble. Gov. Brown plans vaccinations of CA kids at school behind parents' backs incl. dangerous HPV vaccine
@EFF Almost 2012. Jesus Is Love, by Lionel Richie &Commodores. youtube.com/watch?v=-ZcL5y… Jesus is Love, He won't let you down. He's ours forever.
@cxs "We can't argue with the truth, so shut it down. S.968 and H.R.3261 are on the table." Please protect the 1st Amendment. #government
@YourAnonNews @rog_smith See "America's Most #Censored: Mary Neal" w 12 reasons why I'm stalked, censored, persecuted goo.gl/R3MwG
@Google @RCdeWinter @EFF @iSupremeCourt @SenRonWyden See "America's Most Censored: MaryNeal" justicegagged.blogspot.com/2011/11/americ… @OccupyWallSt @Lawyerscom
@TeaPartyPodcast @DLFTV This nation will remain land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave~ElmerDavis goo.gl/R3MwG
@NPR It's less necessary for activists to warn Americans freedom is in danger. The threat is announced in Congress: S.968, H.R.3261, S.1867
@Care2 Four photos & graphics @ Mary Neal's profile pg care2.com/c2c/people/pro… have "Removed by Photobucket" censorship. Never used Photobucket
@HealthyPlace Assembly Bill 499: Gov Jerry Brown in CA approved vaccinating children behind parents' backs, incl. dangerous HPV #vaccine


Do you realize that God has a special calling on your life?
Retweeted by koffietime


Announcement: @koffietime may retire. You have caffeine aplenty directly fr U.S.Senate goo.gl/WBxdq Think 4 yourselves & yo kids.








At the courthouse to hear the results of pre-trials for 13 of the people who got tickets for holding signs, videotaping in the galleries.
Retweeted by koffietime









Where are the friends of the Congo? By your silence you are accomplices in the fraud! fb.me/vWCHWEZ1
Retweeted by koffietime












Arrests in Connection with Recall Effort in Wisconsin tinyurl.com/bl9ufn3
Retweeted by koffietime




They're spending our tax money looking for another planet to sustain life because they are RUINING PLANET EARTH news.yahoo.com/nasa-telescope… #Nazis

Because yo ppl followed me to library AGAIN, we will publish news re Nazis in gov and Negro sellouts at Cochran Firm all week in person.







I might agree w/ Sen McCain that enemies of USA should be interned, but we disagree on who poses the threat.OurConstitution isn't the enemy.





I would follow y'all back, but @Twitter says I maxed out. Thanks for following @koffietime. Let's be Google+ friends!

Welcome @B4INTeaParty @VoteSmartToday and others. Google MaryLovesJustice & follow FreeSpeakBlog freespeakblog.blogspot.com if stalkers let U. Thx



Prisoners who claim wrongful convictions & ppl w/ other issues think publicizing wrongs will help. I tell 'em IT WON'T wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com











These ppl stalk me online & in person, censor & terrorize me.I only became an advocate until justice 4 Larry Neal. But blks aren't dog-level






Despite S.1867, she whom the Lord set free is free indeed! This joy I have, the world didn't give it & can't take away youtube.com/watch?v=Tlgl54…



Oct 21 1867 – Manifest Destiny, a landmark treaty signed requiring Native American Plains tribes relocate to reservation in western Oklahoma

In 1867, first volume of Das Kapital was published by Karl Marx. Power to Gov, not The People. Is that why Senate gave S.1867 that number?


I could go on & on telling yo how DISAPPOINTED IN YOU I AM. But as you've made abundantly clear, I know you don't care. goo.gl/qSxIg

Larry Neal learned all yo fine speeches, Declaration of Independence & Gettysburg Address & more, then taught 'em to me wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/larry/larry01.…


Larry was "crazy." He learned all yo fine speeches: Declaration of Independence & Gettysburg Address & taught 'em to me goo.gl/3ZBJC



How can U be angry that I BELIEVED YOU? I believed the Pledge I said every morning. I thought you meant me, too. I thought you meant us ALL.

When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.*’ E. Burke

NOW's the time 4 ALL good men to GET TOGETHER W/ ONE ANOTHER! "Yes we can!" youtube.com/watch?v=FVxv6A… All it takes for evil tartarus.org/~martin/essays…

Nonsense: One day nothing fr nowhere clashed against nothing fr nowhere and BANGED out a world! Faith in that lie = S.1867. God sees you.

Lord, bless us that we should be saved from our enemies & from the hand of all that hate us! Luke 1:71. Lord, look at S.1867! Have mercy!

Just GO AHEAD and finish her off! Lady Liberty has been terminally wounded & is bleeding after S.1867. Kill her off w/ S.968 and H.R.3261.

To 60 senators who passed S.1867, don't you dare say "Merry Christmas" this Season. Jesus Christ's name on your tongues might MELT you.


Sen. Levin, what would your mama say? What would your family think abt you introducing S.1867 for interning ppl in camps w/o crimes? Shame!

Sen.Levin if someone told me a Jewish rep would introduce s.1867 for indefinite internment w/o criminal charges -CAMPS, I'd have disbelieved



The only prayer I can do for ppl who despitefully use and persecute folks (Matt 5:44): "God, show them your power. Amen." He said, "I WILL."

Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you;




Payday Loan Sharking is Bad News for the Military - tinyurl.com/6v3yrm6
Retweeted by koffietime

I'm in grief. I'm wounded. I mourn for Lady Liberty, who is someone I hoped to meet one day although I am black. She was murdered by S.1867

Sen. Levin, U & others who passed S.1867 are MEAN ppl devising EVIL bills. People who enjoy meanness need PSYCHIATRIC COUNSELING or EXORCISM

Welcome @LynchFoundation . Visit Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill http:care2.com/c2c/group/aimi


MartinaDavis-Corriea, Troy Davis' sister, lost her battle against cancer on Nov. 30, 2011, the day America lost its battle against Fascism.





Retweeted by koffietime


To the 1%: Laborers who reaped yo fields, which U kept back by fraud, crieth, & their cries entered the ears of the Lord. James 5:4 #occupy

to wimc: Better thou not vow, than vow and not pay. Ec. 5:5. Trustworthiness is important. As a former IRS employee and legal asst., I know.

Welcome @SherylNantz8942 You now follow the world's most censored woman. Censored and persecuted 12 reasons outlined in goo.gl/R3MwG

to wimc: Two fruits of the spirit are patience and long-suffering. It's almost winter - not fruit season.

to wimc TRUSTWORTHINESS MATTERS. "Cain reassesses his campaign amid new allegations of infidelity" feministing.com/2011/11/29/cai…











Welcome @rog_smith Thx 4 following USA's most censored. Eleven #bestseller reasons: goo.gl/tasgs Visit EXPOSED goo.gl/WnwJA



If I determine the relevance of my advocacy for Human Rights for Prisoners by the size of my enemies, my hats wouldn't fit.

It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog. ~ Mark Twain.

Mary Neal, human rights advocate appointed by God to help decriminalize mental illness in America; founder/director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/AIMI , which is an online advocacy group that stalkers took from me. I cannot update my billboard, use Care2Sharebook, update my Care2 profile page, use Care2 News Network to publish any more front page human rights articles, send emails and ecards with any surety of delivery, or have a "reply-all" button at my email account. I plan to sue the USA to get my advocacy group back that I spent thousands of hours developing. Google "Mary Neal v. USA." Pray that America finally gets an Attorney General who has a sense of justice. By the way, if YOU are a Christian or Jew, God also appointed YOU to help decriminalize mental illness and end DP (Prov. 31:8-9) (Ps. 102:19-20) (Heb. 13:3) (Matt.25:40). Blessings!
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