Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Mary Neal, Shut Up!

 Supreme Court Justice Scalia

Revised Feb. 23, 2013, to add a fourth censorship method CoIntelPro applied to my writing recently. Tonight I discovered that Justice Scalia finally said it. "The Constitution is Dead, Dead, Dead!" That is probably why officials are preparing NDAA concentration camps for Americans. In any case, the cyberstalkers and I continue the fight over whether or not I can use online services - at least until President Obama signs his Executive Order limiting our use of the Internet. It has been on his desk at least since autumn 2012. Of course, the Internet takeover is said to be for "security."

I went shopping yesterday. I finally bought something other than another new computer, a computer wipe clean/re-install, discs, flash drives, and postage stamps to continue telling the whole wide world (www) that American officials are racist, class conscience murderers who secretly arrested my disabled brother and killed him, then denied my family any recourse at law and that this is no isolated killing of a mentally challenged citizen. The Wrongful Death of Larry Neal is a huge government cover-up, and they don't like for me to talk about it. I have to purchase new computers, etc., fairly often because CoIntelPro often destroys mine. Police REFUSE to do anything whatsoever to protect my property. I made police reports when my computer captured the stalkers' IP addresses, but I was told by DeKalb County Police Detective Miller that sending viruses and worms to my computers to control what links I can open and what information I can upload online are not crimes (probably because I am not wealthy, white, and connected like Sarah Palin, whose stalker was jailed).

Below are four(4) things CoIntelPro did lately to censor me:

1. CoIntelPro removed my Twitter widget from my blogs. TRY to follow me at Twitter, where I am @koffietime

2. A lady reported to me via email that when she dialed my phone number (678)531-0262 a voice said, "STOP CALLING MY NUMBER!" Then CoIntelPro hung up on her. That is an effective way to disrupt phone calls to Mary Neal.

3.  CoIntelPro probably makes half my Facebook posts invisible to anyone not working from my IP address.

They did lots more to impede my ability to communicate with the public. I am "America's Most Censored." Remember that "freedom of press" is a Constitutional protection of human rights, and using this "freedom" depends entirely on what one has to say. Please read about Justice Scalia's confirmation of my assessment that the Constitution is dead in this article in my Exposed - FreeSpeakblog: LOVING JUSTICE SCALIA!

4. CoIntelPro won't let me open this link:

TagWalk: Researching koffietime on Twitter
30+ items – TagWalk: Researching koffietime on Twitter.
Exposed11 tweets since Wed, 23 September by ...
Exposed: Mary Neal Finally ...3 tweets since Mon, 19 October by ...

SOPA was defeated for most Americans (for a while, anyway), but it is fully enforced regarding Mary Neal. If CoIntelPro see's that I am about to open a link and read data they choose to hide from me, the link simply will not open. In this case, they know I will recognize what data I upload at Twitter that is not allowed to register. CoIntelPro puts my computers on an Intranet. Therefore, although I see all my posts publish, they don't all actually publish on the Internet. CoIntelPro can do the same trick with your comments at Facebook or anywhere online. What you see is not necessarily visible to any IP number but your own. See my article "Internet Censorship American Style by Mary Neal" for more information about different computer tricks CoIntelPro plays to covertly censor Americans.

Repeat of Paragraph 1: Revised Feb. 23, 2013, to add a fourth censorship method CoIntelPro applied to my writing recently. Tonight I discovered that Justice Scalia finally said it. "The Constitution is Dead, Dead, Dead!" That is probably why officials are preparing NDAA concentration camps for Americans. In any case, the cyberstalkers and I continue the fight over whether or not I can use online services - at least until President Obama signs his Executive Order limiting our use of the Internet. It has been on his desk at least since autumn 2012. Of course, the Internet takeover is said to be for "security."

Friday, January 25, 2013

CoIntelPro Stops Emails to TheBlackList

Dear BlackList: I was subscribed to TheBlackList. I am censored. The following is the article CoIntelPro blocks:
Memphis Police Accreditation Review Feb. 4

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 8:27 PM, SYMPA <> wrote:
Your message for list 'theblacklist' (attached below) was rejected.
You are not allowed to send this message for the following reason:

Message distribution in the list is restricted to list subscribers.
If you are subscribed to the list with a different email address, you should
either use that other email address or update your list membership with the
new email address.

If CoIntelPro unsubscribed me, please add me back again. Thank you.

Mary Neal, America's most censored individual
Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Covered-up government lynching - Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Bill Windsor and whistleblowers from all 50 states will meet in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 4 to take their grievances about corruption in the government, particularly the Judicial Branch, where Americans are denied their rights continually. My testimony will be heard about the secret arrest and murder of my disabled brother, Larry Neal .Windsor plans to present discs to each and every representative about the reprehensible way Americans' human and civil rights are violated. It was WRONG to secretly arrest and lynch my mentally, physically disabled brother just because he was black and poor and irritated police by singing loud outside. It is WRONG to censor me so that government sins will be hidden. But the BIBLE says, "Be sure your sins will find you out." That day is coming soon, no matter how many Internet companies you have to censor me. I will be heard.

Google "Mary Neal's Lawless America Videos" to see what every member of Congress will have on the 4th of February, the same day of the Memphis accreditation review. See also "The Facade of the American Dream - Part 4." I am featured on this Press TV documentary about how callously African Americans are treated in these United States - worse than DOGS. Press TV only used part of our interview and not the information about Larry Neal's secret murder, but we hope another documentary is made with the full disclosure about a middle aged black man who was killed under secret arrest after 20 years as a mental inpatient and 20+ years in the REVOLVING DOOR to and from Memphis Shelby County Jail, where he was eventually killed, with all explanations and records DENIED to his family for nearly 10 years. No "Dog Justice" for blacks in these United States, even with a black man as Attorney General.

REPEAT because of illegal censorship to hide a government murder:

Dear BlackList: I was subscribed to TheBlackList. I am censored. The following is the article CoIntelPro blocks:
Memphis Police Accreditation Review Feb. 4

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 8:27 PM, SYMPA <> wrote:
Your message for list 'theblacklist' (attached below) was rejected.
You are not allowed to send this message for the following reason:

Message distribution in the list is restricted to list subscribers.
If you are subscribed to the list with a different email address, you should
either use that other email address or update your list membership with the
new email address.

If CoIntelPro unsubscribed me, please add me back again. Thank you.

Mary Neal, America's most censored individual
Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Covered-up government lynching - Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Bill Windsor and whistleblowers from all 50 states will meet in Washington, D.C. on Feb. 4 to take their grievances about corruption in the government, particularly the Judicial Branch, where Americans are denied their rights continually. My testimony will be heard about the secret arrest and murder of my disabled brother, Larry Neal .Windsor plans to present discs to each and every representative about the reprehensible way Americans' human and civil rights are violated. It was WRONG to secretly arrest and lynch my mentally, physically disabled brother just because he was black and poor and irritated police by singing loud outside. It is WRONG to censor me so that government sins will be hidden. But the BIBLE says, "Be sure your sins will find you out." That day is coming soon, no matter how many Internet companies you have to censor me. I will be heard.

Google "Mary Neal's Lawless America Videos" to see what every member of Congress will have on the 4th of February, the same day of the Memphis accreditation review. See also "The Facade of the American Dream - Part 4." I am featured on this Press TV documentary about how callously African Americans are treated in these United States - worse than DOGS. Press TV only used part of our interview and not the information about Larry Neal's secret murder, but we hope another documentary is made with the full disclosure about a middle aged black man who was killed under secret arrest after 20 years as a mental inpatient and 20+ years in the REVOLVING DOOR to and from Memphis Shelby County Jail, where he was eventually killed, with all explanations and records DENIED to his family for nearly 10 years. No "Dog Justice" for blacks in these United States, even with a black man as Attorney General.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Jesus v. CoIntelPro

Google, Mashable, EFF, First Amendment Foundation, Congress, ACLU, all of y'all,

I just wrote an email to the Justice Department at to report that the censorship staff assigned to impede my freedom of press refuses to allow my tweet regarding the inauguration, during which there were numerous prayers that did not include Jesus. I wrote:

LEAVE  out if you want to. He will return the snub (Luke 9:26). Our  is an AWESOME God

They continually take over my computers and disrupt my RIGHT to freedom of press, free speech, and freedom of religion. I was intrigued to hear the oaths of office today, which included a solemn promise to UPHOLD THE U.S. CONSTITUTION, and that is to be done without regard to race, creed, or color. Yet I, a black woman, cannot type a tweet without the cyberstalkers' interference in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, HOME OF THE FREE AND BRAVE. Jesus is Lord.  

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, JESUS! I love the Lord, He heard my cry as I dodged CoIntelPro after suing The Johnnie Cochran Firm for defrauding my family to help Memphis Shelby County Jail escape a wrongful death lawsuit for killing my mentally, physically disabled brother, which the U.S. Department of Justice helped the jail to do.

See a video embedded below. I embedded the link for it above, but the CYBERPOLICE IN THE USA WILL NOT LET THAT LINK WORK. It does not matter how many people in high positions hate Jesus. He reigns.


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Davis/McPhail Truth Committee Blog Archive

Davis/MacPhail Truth Committee is an anti-death penalty organization established to contest capital punishment, especially in cases where guilt is not irrefutably proved or extenuating circumstances exist. Abolitionists "continue to fight this fight," as Troy Davis asked. Visit and follow at

Blog Archive

Monday, January 14, 2013

Recent Attacks on Mary Neal's Speech

1. They removed the Twitter widget from all my blogs where I had placed it. This was done to prevent my evidence that what I place at Twitter where I am @koffietime differs from what the public sees. This is done by stalkers, and I don't necessarily think they work at Twitter.

2. McAfee virus protection software on my computer prevented my going to Twitter a couple of nights ago. It said using Twitter is dangerous for my PC. Yes, I saved a film of it.

Honestly, the government is in the hands of maniacs. 

Secret Government Murder of Larry Neal

This writer has been fighting injustice since 2006, since recognizing the American justice system is corrupt and racist. Actually, I did not know exactly how corrupt it was then. I still expected that exposure would bring remedy six years ago. I proved myself wrong in the intervening years. In any case, here is a post from my Care2 Sharebook from 2009 when I still had hope in justice. I was doing battle with NowPublic in 2009, trying to get my articles to remain published as I wrote them and not Change when my back was turned. It was quite a fight. See below:

(July 18, 2009) NowPublic, I will try to break it down to you. It is very simple, actually. Someone simply DELETED my "Naked Demonstation" article and SUBSTITUTED it at links for another of my articles.

1) I wrote “Naked Demonstration to End Censorship," and published it at NP
2) I put an excerpt and link to it at Care2 News Network
3) “Naked Demonstration” was read by many, and excerpts appeared on other people’s websites in the US and some foreign countries, with links back to NP for the full article
4) The article was DELETED at NP, and but its link title remained on the web as “Naked Demonstration.” Upon activating the link, people were instead taken to another of my articles entitled “Theft of Emails . . . “:
5) When I found my article had been deleted and traffic to the “Naked Demonstration” link was being diverted to another of my articles, “Theft of Emails,” I complained
6) Since I discovered the cyberstalking and complained, the cyberstalker then changed most of the links on the Internet to be the same as the name of the article folks were being directed to, but whoever did that forgot to change the excerpt. The excerpt that appeared with the link remained the first sentence of the deleted article. The cyberstalker did an insufficient cover-up job. See what I mean in the example below – new title and link to the excerpt were used, but the Naked Demonstration article is GONE.

Theft of eMails re: The Wrongful Death of Larry Neal and The Cochran ...
... with our long-planned naked demonstration before the declared "non-existent" ... The "let's censor Mary Neal game until we can pick a chance to get her" ... -... - 86k - Cached

SELECT THE “VISIT SITE” TAB at this Care2 submission, which I published the same day as the “Naked Demonstration” article. The Care2 link goes to the Theft of Emails article, because the public was diverted there. The cyberstalker had deleted the Naked Demonstration article altogether.

NOTICE THAT although the cyberstalker who did this obviously had the power to change the title of my article on the Internet (and he/she did that, but left the original excerpt) the cyberstalker did not have the ability to change the title at Care2 News. Therefore, the title, picture, and excerpt remain unchanged at Care2 News, but the link is redirected like all the links were.

More samples of this bit of cyberstalking were published in the comments at my “Maybe LaToya Jackson Is Right” article. In every case, the link that should go to the "Naked Demonstration" article goes back to the “Theft of Emails” article instead. The Naked Demonstration article was deleted and substituted.

Now do you understand what happened? Cyberstalkers. ALL of the people who commented on the article who visited NP and read the Naked Demonstration article KNOW that the link originally led to the "Naked Demonstration" article and not to any Email theft article. So the cyberstalker does stupid things that are easily proved and witnessed.

That should answer your question about the DELETED article and the REDIRECTED LINK. If you want to know why these things are done, read further. If not, you have the info you requested. The reasons why I am censored and a victim of cyberstalking are detailed below.


In addition to cyberstalkers, I have in-person stalkers who followed and accosted me at neighborhood businesses last year (2008). I always make sure everything is in the public eye. Although I have witness statements about the in-person stalking, nothing was investigated by police and so far, nothing has been done about my online stalking, such as the deletion of my article and substitution of another at the links. This is why I stay home for safety like Ann Frank and slaves in the Underground Railroad. When the USDOJ itself is in the wrong, there is apparently no one to help citizens. A friend said I should take the matter to the UN, but I think that because the U.S. is the most powerful nation in the UN, that body would not be likely to be able to make the DOJ release records and protect my family from stalking either.

Here is what happened: Shelby Co. Jail secretly arrested and killed my handicapped brother, Larry. The jail did not file the necessary report on his death to the DOJ, not having an excuse for his death. They appointed The Cochran Firm to contract with us to pretend to be our wrongful death attorneys. The Cochran Firm played its role by NOT doing any legal work while it pretended under contract that our lawsuit was going forward against the jail. When we caught the lie, it was already too late for another attorney to investigate, prepare, and file the three lawsuits. So the folks who killed Larry escaped responsibility. We sued The Cochran Firm for fraud. The law firm got Judge Wendy Shoob to say it did not exist in Atlanta and dismiss our lawsuit. Meanwhile, the federal government had hearings to determine whether Shelby Co. Jail had complied with the terms of its agreement with the USA after lawsuit for mistreating inmates. Although the DOJ knew about Larry's secret arrest and death in custody of the Jail, the DOJ allowed Shelby Co. to enter perjury into federal proceedings by omitting any account of Larry's death. Any records the jail submitted were necessarily fraudulent, because the DOJ affirmed twice that it had no records from Larry Neal dying in the jail. Deliberate omissions are perjurous. But the DOJ already knew the jail was lying by omission, and accepted the false testimony entered into federal court proceedings for the jail to gain release from overview, just as though Larry never existed. That is the BIG SECRET that everybody is lying and hiding records to protect.

Meanwhile, they planned to kill me because I tell everybody about it. I keep telling folks about the NWO working together to suppress this truth, figuring there is some safety in disclosure. My writing about it is deleted and sabotaged online, and I am followed and accosted in person. I reported the stalking when we sued The Cochran Firm in United States District Court, Northern Dist. of GA. Judge Timothy Batten did nothing about the illegal activities under U.S. Code 18, sections 242 and 245. He also dismissed our lawsuit against The Cochran Firm, saying everything the law firm did to prevent open disclosure and accountability by Shelby Co. Jail was "immaterial." Legally, we never should have been allowed to file suit in USDC under the diversity rule, because there most certainly is a Cochran Firm office in Georgia - right where they said in court it did not exist - 127 Peachtree Street. After Batten issued his Order dismissing our case, The Cochran Firm then published a YouTube video advertising the office to other unsuspecting minority people -- like Ms. Kathryn Johnston's family was when she was murdered by police in Atlanta in 2006. That is why I call them the NWO gang.

Many parties in power worked together against Larry's family's due process of law and keep this quiet so other black families would continue to trust The Cochran Firm with confidential information and with their legal cases against police. The cover-up continues in mainstream media, so I figure it is very important to break through the shroud of cover-up. How could they hope to keep the secret with me telling about it daily? They must be up to NO GOOD.

I don't know if they do the computer sabotage from their own locales, or if they hire people at the sites where I write. They don't tell me. I am not even sure who "they" are. I just know EVERYONE WASTES THEIR TIME TELLING ME THIS IS A COMPUTER GLITCH -- TOO MUCH EVIDENCE, TOO MANY WITNESSES, TOO MUCH FILM.

For instance, the Cochran Firm Atlanta Office YouTube commercial was loaded on NP with my article "Mary Neal Requests Meeting with the USDOJ." But it was not permitted to show after the first few days. When I tried to bring the footage forward, the cyberstalker who is assigned to attack my input here deleted the entire article! They are something! I call them New World Orderlies. They deserve a raise (and more training). Now, that film cannot be transferred from YouTube at all - it is now on lockdown.

You can read more about how the cyberstalkers operate in the comments to my NP articles. I recorded much of their activity there as it happened and got film and witnesses. Plenty of examples are in the comments of my "American Concentration Camps Proposed in Congress - H.R.645" article. They REALLY got busy when I published that. I figure they do not want to delete it because it would look really, really bad. Plus, too many other sites already republished it - not just an excerpt. I plan to tell the public from now on to always copy my entire article if they find it worthwhile, because deletions are getting to be rather common. Like Nazi book burning.

The NWO attack against my family to conceal government crimes is much the same as the Guantanamo torture camps. That did not come out in the news for a long time. Now that it is out, much of the related documents are kept secret, and it is doubtful if there will ever be accountability or punishment for the prisoner torture. Larry Neal, a mentally ill heart patient, was treated like those people who are in prison camps who are suspected terrorists - only he was a sick American citizen who could not even spell "terrorist." It was the same USDOJ, under the same command. The determination to keep this secret is just as intense, I suppose, so folks cyberstalk and censor me. And the Obama DOJ did not respond timely to our FOIA requests - nothing yet, almost a month overdue. Not really hard to understand, but the story has a lot of chapters. I tried to summarize it in this blog:New World Order Nullifies Constitutional Rights, by Mary Neal | Care2 Share... Mary Neal's Sharebook > New World Order Nullifies Constitutional Rights, by Mary ... New World Order Nullifies Constitutional Rights, by Mary Neal. Jan 18, 2009 -

Thanks for your interest. If you can trace this illegal activity, please do. But be careful. You may end up hiding at home like my 86-yr-old mom and me, surrounded by lots of new neighbors who took over all of the foreclosed homes on our street in the days preceding and immediately after Judge Batten's ruling. Most use drive-out tags or back into their driveways, making it hard to get their tag numbers. However, I put some tag numbers in the comments to my Supreme Court and DNA testing rights article and mailed them far and wide. Somehow, they live in expensive homes, drive lovely late modeled vehicles, but don't seem to have work schedules.

I am glad we are discussing this. If my family has to sue the DOJ to get the responsive records regarding Larry Neal in response to our FOIA request, I know the cyberstalkers and in-person stalkers may go crazy! One of President Obama's first executive orders strengthened the Freedom of Information Act. I suppose the DOJ did not get a copy of Obama's executive order.

If we had known this was a NWO thing - Larry's death cover-up conspiracy - we probably would have gone to the funeral and just said good-bye, with no questions asked. I believe that must be what the families do in Communist China and probably what people did when folks went "missing" and died in government custody in WWII Germany. We just did not know that America had become one of those places. I did not read the announcement that the Constitution and Bill of Rights had been nullified. Maybe they will announce it later.

When we sued The Cochran Firm, we believed it was a simple matter of a couple of crooked attorneys helping their friends over the Shelby Co. Jail hide an inmate death. We thought The Cochran Firm would pay us damages and deal with its attorneys - David McLaughlin and Julian Bolton. Instead, we are embroiled in a super spy novel-type of mess. I am not Ms. Bond and have no training in how to deal with this. All I know to do is tell the police and FBI (and they don't care) and tell the public. When the same folks you have to run to for help are themselves operated by the folks you are telling on, what kind of situation is that? It is one of those God-sized situations. GOD WILL WORK IT OUT!

Mary Neal