Tuesday, November 29, 2011

America's Most Censored: Mary Neal

Why am I the most censored American?  Thirteen reasons are presented herein, using six(6) links plus signature links. The USA has many human/ civil rights activists, but I may be the only one who had a disabled brother secretly arrested for 18 days and murdered, with all requests for records and government accountability denied for over eight years.  (See Wrongful Death of Larry Neal.com  http://WrongfulDeathOfLarryNeal.com ). My disabled brother's secret murder proves that America does some of the same human rights violations as Nazi Germany did and China does. It is contradictory to attack countries for human rights violations while censorship and terrorism are used against an African American family for requesting records and accountability regarding the government murder of a harmless, middle-aged lifelong schizophrenic heart patient who was killed under circumstances the government REFUSES to divulge. The fact that Larry's lynching is being covered up by federal and local government agencies, including the Department of Justice, would negatively impact whatever administration is in power when wide disclosure is made. Other reasons for my censorship are in the thirteen numbered paragraphs and below:

1. Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI), an online advocacy group I founded and direct to help decriminalize mental illness in America, which would be unprofitable for prison investors. The group and my advocacy at Care2 (use of email, Care2 News Network, Sharebook, and AIMI) have been taken over by stalkers who work for and/or are protected by government authorities that refuse to address their crimes by applying existing federal and Georgia State laws.

2.  Boycott 4 Justice: No Shopping on the 9th of any month during 2011. This is an initiative I started to give a financial incentive for corporations and government officials to be fair to the populace in America. If decision makers cared about our petitions and marches, Troy Davis would still be alive. Power responds to money and guns. Being a nonviolent Christian woman, I advocate boycotts like Dr. Martin Luther King used, i.e., the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

3.  Occupy Demand: Divest or Resign   "Where a man's treasure is, there his heart is also." Americans expect officials to introduce and support laws that are detrimental to their own stock portfolios, but the Bible says that will not happen. I suggest that officials must divest themselves of corporate stock during the time they represent the People, or we will continue to compete with elected officials' wallets. We need to add a non-compete clause to officials' oaths of office to discourage antitrust violations among officials.

4.  The Cochran Firm Fraud: Exposed the fact that one of the nation's largest plaintiffs' law firms misuses Johnnie Cochran's name and reputation to attract and then defraud clients nationwide to benefit government entities and certain corporations. For lack of a better term, I call the program "CoIntelPro."

5.  Human Rights for Prisoners March - I conduct an online protest march against (1) criminalizing mental illness; (2) capital punishment; (3) solitary confinement; (4) trying and sentencing children as adults; (5) wrongful convictions; (6) prison profiteering (7) neglect of and brutality against prisoners.

6.  Through Internet articles, blogs, radio, and in-person demonstrations, I expose and oppose racism and class consciousness in the justice system as revealed by the denial of due process of law to the Neal family and victimized Americans of all races whose stories I publish in three blogs and social media, hoping victims and survivors will be helped and circumstances changed by decision makers, including voters as well as elected and appointed officials.

7.  I publish news proving the Constitutional rights Americans hold dear are being undermined and destroyed by (a) ignoring the rights of certain individuals and classes of people, and (b) enacting new laws that nullify Constitutional protections, supposedly for security. My focus is attacks against the First Amendment, especially net freedom. See an article in my EXPOSED blog called "Internet Censorship American Style" to learn current methods of covert censorship applied to human/civil rights advocacy and independent online media or whatever information they want contained.

8. I am Chairperson of the MacPhail/Davis Truth Commission, petitioning the Georgia Bureau of Investigations and the United States Department of Justice for a new investigation regarding Officer MacPhail's murder. See http://goo.gl/QjsiB - As a final request, Troy Davis asked us to "continue to fight this fight." 

9.  I expose and oppose covert Internet censorship and legislation that is intended to make it legal. Senate Bill 968 and House Resolution 3261 propose putting the Internet under the U.S. Justice Department, which I know to be corrupt.

10.  I expose and oppose officials' reneging on their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution of the United States, causing erosion of our civil and human rights. Some officials are lynching America. That is to say, they are following directives by 1700s slave master Willie Lynch, who advised: (a) occasionally show mastery over slaves by brutal beatings (police brutality) and deaths (executions); (b) control slaves' communication (media and Internet censorship), and (c) keep slaves so poor that they concentrate on their next meal instead of how to escape slavery.  Google my HubPages articles, "Lynching America" and "Food Stamp Slave Reparations," among others.

11.  My censorship and terrorism provide data for those who gather information for later application to more Americans:
(a) Observing how I overcome certain online censorship methods enabled the censorship teams to be more effective than when they were initially assigned to impede the spread of information about the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal six years ago. That is when my mother and I realized The Cochran Firm had defrauded us to protect Memphis/Shelby County Jail and our other intended defendants. I began writing online with the mistaken belief that getting more eyes on Larry's murder cover-up and The Cochran Firm fraud that is censored in mainstream news would result in fairness in our federal lawsuit;
(b) Officials gained an opportunity to assess how loyal human and civil rights organizations and media companies are to the New World Order based on whether they ignore such obvious and atrocious government abuses as Larry's murder and my persecution for seeking justice for him and others;
(c) Assessments can be made regarding how much oppression the populace will tolerate for themselves and others by observing the public's reaction to my news about mass incarceration and murders of the country's acute mental patients and other crimes against humanity.

12.  When it comes to abuses of power, the more you'll take, the more you'll get. Satisfied that Americans are sellouts and wimps, S.968 and H.R.3261 are before Congress to place the Internet under the Department of Justice, and Senate Bill 1867 is before Congress to authorize indefinite detention by the military for citizens with no criminal charges. The Army is advertising for INTERNMENT RESETTLEMENT SPECIALISTS (FEMA camps under S.1867?) - Interestingly, biomass incinerators (very hot) are being erected across the nation near train tracks despite ecology concerns. Clergy Response Teams were trained by Homeland Security to keep Americans calm if/when Marshal Law is called. Meanwhile, more invasions are planned to enforce (similar) human rights globally.

13. Acting on Christian/Judaic beliefs is considered a national threat in a country that disregards human rights.  The Word is against capital punishment (Ps. 102:19-20), discrimination (Gal. 3:28), victimizing people (Matt. 25:40), and war without provocation (Romans 12:18). CENSORSHIP EXAMPLES:  Numerous videos at my YouTube channel JKEMPP703 record real-time Internet censorship - http://youtube.com/jkempp703 - I belong to around 20 groups at Facebook, but I am prohibited from posting a link to "End Game Reports by Mary Neal" at any of them. See the article at this link  http://goo.gl/TMqFz  "END GAME" is a 21st century name given to the end times prophecies foretold in Revelation. See the twenty(20) links for information and articles tracking our progress (or decline) toward Armageddon and Judgment Day. Information about microchips, concentration camps, and lost disease samples is for religious people, atheists, and agnostics. Updated October and December 2011 to add congressional bills which would put the Internet under the government, S.1867 for military arrests and indefinite detention of Americans without criminal charges, government infringements on the church, signs and wonders in the heavenlies and other mysteries.

This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave. ~Elmer Davis

Mary Neal's Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/115212823950444967993/posts - Follow me at Twitter @koffietime - http://twitter.com/koffietime - Current, urgent justice issues from a laywoman's viewpoint at my primary blog http://FreeSpeakBlog.blogspot.com (the name is a joke, believe me). See also http://MaryLovesJustice.blogspot.com and DogJusticeforMentallyIll http://DogJusticeforMentallyIll.blogspot.com JusticeGagged http://JusticeGagged.blogspot.com Davis/MacPhailTruthCommittee http://DMTruth.blogspot.com Mary Neal at HubPages http://MaryNeal.hubpages.com . Recommended articles - http://topsy.com/site/freespeakblog.blogspot.com - Address: MaryLovesJustice@gmail.com (I'm censored, but some emails reach my box) Try to phone me at 678.531.0262, however, none of us really has free speech, so they may prevent your call.