Oh, well, my friends, I just found out about ACTA. These bills and measures to kill Lady Liberty are coming too fast for me now. She's already in intensive care, and every time we turn around, she's bleeding out. It was not a single assailant but a conspiracy between a myriad of parties who are responsible for her critical condition. Her sons and daughters are also at fault for leaving her to the perps. Maybe it isn't too late. Maybe she will come around. Miracles happen.
2. --- Thanks to OpEdNews for carrying news about ACTA. It was challenging keeping up with Internet censorship measures since July because of my computer issues. Stalkers destroyed my PC after I published numerous articles opposing S.968, and some were widely read at OpenCongress.org. Regarding ACTA, EFF posted a link to use to help oppose it, but stalkers won't let me reach the link right now. Google "EFF ACTA."
3. --- Rep. Ron Paul introduced H.R.3785 to repeal NDAA Section 1027, the indefinite military detention bill Congress passed and the president signed on December 31, 2011. We entered 2012 without the Constitution. It's just a museum piece now. Unless people know there will be no backlash for using their freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly rights, and unless citizens are confident that presenting grievances to representatives will not result in military detention, what do those "rights" mean? Zero.
4. --- NDAA essentially eliminates all of our rights guaranteed by the Constitution - a hole in one. I ask Congress to please co-sponsor and support H.R.3785. Remove that heinous, satanic indefinite detention provision that will be used to intern innocent people without any stated allegations or opportunity for defense. Authorities should always be requied to state allegations and allow the accused to respond before removing one's liberty, whether or not the accused person is an American, but especially if he/she is. Using bills like H.R.3166 and S.1698 to remove citizenship so citizenship becomes a non-issue seems underhanded. I am amazed that NADA Sec. 1027 was ever proposed and passed by people who should care more about Lady Liberty than they do.
5. --- The threat of concentration camps for no defined and proved reason is especially terrible for black people. We've only been out of concentration camps for a short time - slave quarters. Ghettos go by a different name, but they are similar in many respects. Fairness for minorities in the judicial system does not have a good track record even with the protections in place to prevent wrongful convictions. Removing the opportunity for self-defense could have tragic consequences: more minorities could wind up in the concentration camps already in use called "prisons." NDAA gives too much power to future unknown presidents. Bigots have inhabited every political office at some time or other, and that will not change. The initial Native American reservations were camps. The Trail of Tears was a nasty relocation. Japanese Americans fight NDAA, knowing firsthand what indefinite military detention is like. America always had camps. Some of us work to make democracy a reality, and the Internet helps. I guess that is why net freedom is under attack. Democracy does not appeal to everyone.
6. --- Free speech is the cornerstone for all other freedoms. It was marvelous the way our major Internet companies came through with the blackout to protest SOPA. Heroes! But ACTA is much worse than SOPA. Foreign nations like China get to decide what websites belonging to Americans can remain online. Oh well. As game hosts say, "Good try!" I would be surprised if Christian websites aren't first to go, then Occupy and other justice advocates like anti-DP, etc.
7. --- Thanks, Twitter. Try to keep the stalkers from closing my account or stealing my tweets. I'll have less interest in social networks for a while. I would be glad to continue complaining about assaults on Liberty, if she was showing signs of life, but her breath is pretty shallow. I don't know what to say. Nothing, I guess. "Good try!" I tell myself. Congratulations to everyone who did their best and will "continue to fight this fight" (Troy Davis' words). Net freedom is worth keeping if possible.
8. --- Kudos for working together to preserve net freedom. Please apply even more zeal to push H.R.3785 to the House floor for a vote. Give Congress another opportunity to vote for freedom and against concentration camps in America. God bless you, Twitter followers! Thanks for your attention and assistance. I published nearly 15,000 tweets, so you have plenty of caffeine for now, starting with the tweets below.
@vlu77 @ABAJournal @EvilEsq @FRamabama @RCdeWinter Btwn ACTA, NDAA, kangaroo courts & mass hypnosis, THAT'S ALL FOLKS!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-ceg763Voc&feature=related
@TreatmentAdvCtr @HumanityNews @Google @ACLU @Peace @iactr Trying 2 save Liberty in USA is like bailing the Titanic w/ my @koffietime teacup
@Google Friends of Anonymously Anonymous at Google+ pls tell him my stalkers wouldn't let me add him 2 a circle. ACTA = http://goo.gl/B6hCO
@FRamabama @TheBlackList @OccupyWallSt Just read about ACTA. My advice: Get ready for rapture or CAMPing http://goo.gl/B6hCO (MTV re NDAA)
@Google @glptweets @RonPaul @SenRonWyden @cxs With ACTA, there's nothing left to say. With NDAA, we'd better not say it anyway. #government
@megaresponse @Twitter @mashable @DJThistle @Google @Delaproser Now my "Your Tweets" down to 14,339 on my profile page but 14,347 on hm pg
@megaresponse @Twitter @mashable @DJThistle @Google @Delaproser Now my "Your Tweets" down to 14,339 on my profile page but @14,347 on hm pg
@iacenter Better buy a printing press & stamps. ACTA lets China decide what Americans can put online http://www.opednews.com/articles/Forget-SOPA-and-PIPA-Obam-by-Rob-Kall-120127-788.html #censorship #sold
@megaresponse @Twitter @mashable @DJThistle @Google @Delaproser Last 20 tweets, my "Your Tweets" reads betwn 14,345 & 14,349 hm pg/profile
@WWWLOBBY4POORUS Guess what? China tells Americans what we can put on the web now http://www.opednews.com/articles/Forget-SOPA-and-PIPA-Obam-by-Rob-Kall-120127-788.html ACTA trumps SOPA as freedom crusher.
@cxs @RepHankJohnson and @repjohnlewis, you voted NO for NDAA becuz it is WRONG. Pls co-sponsor H.R.3785 to repeal NDAA Sec.1027 #government
@veteransunited Thanks for fighting 4 democracy. I think we lost. In comes ACTA. China tells us what we can put online http://www.opednews.com/articles/Forget-SOPA-and-PIPA-Obam-by-Rob-Kall-120127-788.html
@Google @legallawwatch ACTA reminds me of The Three Stoogers. A wall starts leaking, and it gets a hand. Another leak, another hand, another
@RCdeWinter @TheBlackList @DJThistle @NowPulic Mo Internet censorship: "ACTA." What if China doesn't like yo website? http://www.opednews.com/articles/Forget-SOPA-and-PIPA-Obam-by-Rob-Kall-120127-788.html
@Google @Delaproser @SenRonWyden @YourAnonNews More Internet censorship: "ACTA." What if China doesn't like yo website? http://www.opednews.com/articles/Forget-SOPA-and-PIPA-Obam-by-Rob-Kall-120127-788.html
@RonPaul Do you get your tweets fr me re H.R.3785? They don't show up on my page! @RCdeWinter @TPPatriots http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-h3785/show #government
@OWSAtlanta @Google Join @RevPinkney Blogtalk 5pmEST re @RonPaul bill HR3785 to REPEAL indefinite detention under #NDAA http://t.co/w7oU2mq9
@JudicialWatch @Google "AMERICAN HOLOCAUST" http://marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2012/01/american-holocaust.html vs. "AWESOME GOD" http://maryneal.hubpages.com/hub/Our-Awesome-God-by-Mary-Neal -Rev.Pinkney Blogtalk 5pmEST Sundays
@OWSAtlanta @Google Join @RevPinkney Blogtalk 5pmEST re @Ron Paul bill HR3785 REPEAL indefinite detention under #NDAA http://t.co/w7oU2mq9
@FRamabama USDC said The Cochran Firm defrauding the Neals is "immaterial" & kept us from jury. You mean fraud's still illegal? Oh, we black
@FRamabama The Holocaust Happened to People Like Us (VIDEO) http://goo.gl/B6hCO Support H.R.3785 to REPEAL indefinite detention under #NDAA
@legallawwatch The Holocaust Happened to People Like Us (VIDEO) http://goo.gl/B6hCO Support H.R.3785 to repeal indefinite detention. #NDAA
@legallawwatch I wasn't into Dr. Paul, but he grabbed me by my fro with H.R.3785 to repeal NDAA indefinite detention! http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-h3785/show
@Google I wasn't interested in politics until Larry Neal's secret arrest & murder. I must go 2 my blogs now & change Sen. Paul to Rep. Paul!
@CraryAP The Holocaust Happened to People Like Us (VIDEO) http://goo.gl/B6hCO Support H.R.3785 & repeal indefinite detention #camps #occupy
@JewishVLibrary The Holocaust Happened to People Like Us (VIDEO) http://goo.gl/B6hCO Support H.R.3785 to repeal indefinite detention #camps
@JusticeCtrNews @BFERC @theGrio The Holocaust Happened to People Like Us http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2ZhQrWQj7k&feature=youtu.be Support bill to repeal NDAA by @RonPaul #camps
@OccupyWallStNYC @occupyboston @occupyoakland @NPR Resist Oppression! Reps passed NDAA! There R Strangers in Our House! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diNyoOyTI5g
@Google Who ARE these reps who dared to pass NDAA for concentration camps in AMERICA? There's a Stranger in My House! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diNyoOyTI5g
@TheBlackList @AP Help! There's a Stranger in My House! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diNyoOyTI5g #NDAA #ConcentrationCamps #AbuseofPower @ACLU @cxs #government
@politico I'm Ameica's Most Censored-MaryNeal (Google it). I'm in GA where TroyDavis wrote, Where's the justice for me? http://goo.gl/NJelx
@Google @YourAnonNews @Delaproser I called all the addressees on my ltr but U.S. AG last wk, but still no callback! http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2011/12/crimes-against-mary-neal-allowed-by.html
@google @mashable @YourAnonNews @Delaproser You would not BELIEVE how many times I offered these people to settle their debt and be done!
@Google @Twitter @Mashable @Delaproser @YourAnonNews Lord Have Mercy! Now they backdate my Hubs! See "JusticeGagged" http://justicegagged.blogspot.com/2012/01/justice-gagged-re-hubpages-awesome-god.html
@Google @InmateRights @Prisonwatchint @PFADP @glptweets @EvilEsq @Lawyerscom @LegalBlogWatch AWESOME GOD, BY MARY NEAL http://goo.gl/6SeZe
@Google @AP @cxs Exposed: Ron Paul, Mary Neal, and God v. NDAA http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2012/01/ron-paul-mary-neal-and-god-v-ndaa.html?spref=tw Freedom has a champion - @RonPaul http://www.ology.com/politics/ron-paul-introduces-legislation-repeal-indefinite-detention-provisions-ndaa/01222012
@WebReadyLawyers I put TheCochranFirm Fraud online to assist legal consumers by exposing that CoIntelPro law firm VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROkthmx1Dlc
@theGrio If oppressors had never tried to hide my disabled brother's murder in gov custody, you'd not have my caffeine http://WrongfulDeathofLarryNeal.com
@societynewsinfo @Google @truthout @Prisonworld @thehill I love the idea of this phrase: "THE TRUTH GOES MARCHING ON!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dDp_r0jf9Mk
@BlackPressRadio I'm on RevPinkneyShow Sundays 5pmEST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney and 1/23/12 on THE UGLY TRUTH RADIO http://theuglytruthradio.com/ Listen!
@TheBlackList Glad you're still using @Twitter . My stalkers gave a message saying you're not. I had to use @theblcklst . Is that also U?
@cxs Reasons 2 back the @RonPaul bill 2 repeal Sec.1021 of NDAA are at Jewish Virtual Library link http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/ #government @thehill
@FRamabama Listen to Rev.Pinkney Show ea Sun 5pmEST to see where censorship team cuts my connection. When I said "NDAA" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney/2012/01/22/pinkney-to-pinkney
@RCdeWinter Listen 2 Rev.PinkneyShow Sundays 5pmEST & note where censorship staff cuts my connection. Today at "NDAA" http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney/2012/01/22/pinkney-to-pinkney
@theblcklst Listen to Rev. Pinkney on #BlogTalkRadio http://t.co/4m2kQxhK -Stalkers cut my connection to hide human/civil rights news fr YOU
@Google @ACLU @theGrio @TPPatriots @theblcklst @MaxReddick @MMFlint They don't want ppl to know abt H.R.3166 & S.1698 to remove citizenship
@Google @Blogtalk @mashable My phone stalkers severed my connection as I was announcing the @RonPaul bill 2 repeal NDAA http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney
@mashable @Google @Twitter Why is there no RT button on for @Delaproser page? I want to RT http://www.scoop.it/t/tell-congress-don-t-cut-funding-for-children-in-the-justice-system/p/1031503301/transfer-and-assign-mumia-abu-jamal-to-general-population . Is she censored or what?
@Delaproser Want to RT "Transfer and Assign Mumia Abu-Jamal to General Population | @scoopit http://www.scoop.it/t/tell-congress-don-t-cut-funding-for-children-in-the-justice-system/p/1031503301/transfer-and-assign-mumia-abu-jamal-to-general-population but NO RT button on yo pg
@Delaproser @scoopit I have an option to make tweets on yo page a favorite or reply to them, not to retweet them. What's up with that?
@EcoJive @Delaproser The 112th Congress has another chance to uphold the Constitution. Vote YES for @RonPaul bill to REPEAL NDAA's Sec. 1021
@EcoJive @Delaproser See FB gp: RECALL EVERY CONGRESSMAN WHO VOTED FOR NDAA http://www.facebook.com/pages/Recall-Every-Congressman-Who-Voted-for-the-NDAA/248343955227401 I say give 112th Congress another chance
@RoryHutchings @RATM @MMFlint @theGrio LarryNeal: 1st US Holocaust victim. Open Letter to PresidentObama from Mary Neal http://goo.gl/svY2B
@RoryHutchings @RATM @MMFlint Join RevPinkneyBlogtalkShow 5pmEST. Discuss NDAA camps NOW HIRING http://www.goarmy.com/careers-and-jobs/browse-career-and-job-categories/legal-and-law-enforcement/internment-resettlement-specialist.html (347)994-3644 #Nazis
@theblcklst @thGrio @TPPatriots @LATISM @BFERC Let's discuss concentration camps taking bids for suppliers & Now Hiring http://goo.gl/MTs5t
@theblcklst @thGrio @TPPatriots @LATISM RevPinkneyBlogtalk Show Sundays 5pmEST 1/22 guest author/prison activist EstebanGarcia (347)994.3644
@theblcklst @thGrio @TPPatriots @LATISM Who are NDAA camps for? Join RevPinkneyBlogtalkShow Sun 5pmEST http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney (347)994-3644
@Delaproser @RCdeWinter RevPinkneyBlogtalkShow 5pmEST Sundays http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney Call-in 347.994.3644. Discuss bill to REPEAL NDAA on 1/22
@Prisonworld @PrisonMinistry Rev.Pinkney Blogtalk Show guest: Esteban Garcia, wrote The U.S. Jailhouse Lawyers Manual: 5pmEST (347)994-3644
@Google Join RevPinkney Blogtalk Show 5pmEST Sundays http://www.blogtalkradio.com/rev-pinkney Call-in 347.994.3644. Discuss @RonPaul bill to REPEAL NDAA on 1/22
@Prisonworld @DLFTV @Delaproser Want to know why more ministers don't oppose NDAA? CLERGY RESPONSE TEAMS: Gov Preachers http://www.ksla.com/story/6937987/homeland-security-enlists-clergy-to-quell-public-unrest-if-martial-law-ever-declared
@Prisonworld Prison industrial complex expects unprecedented growth thru NDAA concentration camps. Now hiring http://goo.gl/MTs5t #Nazis
@Prisonworld @theGrio The very criminal justice sys also refuses to answer OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT OBAMA BY MARY NEAL http://goo.gl/svY2B
@theGrio @StreetRebuttal @rww Publish & support the @RonPaul bill to REPEAL Sec 1021 of NDAA http://goo.gl/Wsytx - NO CONCENTRATION #CAMPS
@theGrio Dems introduced NDAA and H.R.645 for camps; S.968 for Internet censorship. GOP & Dems work together. They don't care about parties.
@RonPaul @Google @Delaproser A man said 2me "They'll never answer yo letter about terrorism.They're the ones doing it." http://goo.gl/ZgDj4
@AtlantaUpdate Georgia's @RepHankJohnson & @RepJohnLewis voted NO on NDAA & Yes 4 America! Support the @RonPaul REPEAL http://goo.gl/Wsytx
@AtlantaUpdate Only fools in quicksand care about the race or party of rescuers http://goo.gl/sISYF - Ron Paul v. NDAA http://goo.gl/Wsytx
2. --- Thanks to OpEdNews for carrying news about ACTA. It was challenging keeping up with Internet censorship measures since July because of my computer issues. Stalkers destroyed my PC after I published numerous articles opposing S.968, and some were widely read at OpenCongress.org. Regarding ACTA, EFF posted a link to use to help oppose it, but stalkers won't let me reach the link right now. Google "EFF ACTA."
3. --- Rep. Ron Paul introduced H.R.3785 to repeal NDAA Section 1027, the indefinite military detention bill Congress passed and the president signed on December 31, 2011. We entered 2012 without the Constitution. It's just a museum piece now. Unless people know there will be no backlash for using their freedom of speech, press, religion, and assembly rights, and unless citizens are confident that presenting grievances to representatives will not result in military detention, what do those "rights" mean? Zero.
4. --- NDAA essentially eliminates all of our rights guaranteed by the Constitution - a hole in one. I ask Congress to please co-sponsor and support H.R.3785. Remove that heinous, satanic indefinite detention provision that will be used to intern innocent people without any stated allegations or opportunity for defense. Authorities should always be requied to state allegations and allow the accused to respond before removing one's liberty, whether or not the accused person is an American, but especially if he/she is. Using bills like H.R.3166 and S.1698 to remove citizenship so citizenship becomes a non-issue seems underhanded. I am amazed that NADA Sec. 1027 was ever proposed and passed by people who should care more about Lady Liberty than they do.
5. --- The threat of concentration camps for no defined and proved reason is especially terrible for black people. We've only been out of concentration camps for a short time - slave quarters. Ghettos go by a different name, but they are similar in many respects. Fairness for minorities in the judicial system does not have a good track record even with the protections in place to prevent wrongful convictions. Removing the opportunity for self-defense could have tragic consequences: more minorities could wind up in the concentration camps already in use called "prisons." NDAA gives too much power to future unknown presidents. Bigots have inhabited every political office at some time or other, and that will not change. The initial Native American reservations were camps. The Trail of Tears was a nasty relocation. Japanese Americans fight NDAA, knowing firsthand what indefinite military detention is like. America always had camps. Some of us work to make democracy a reality, and the Internet helps. I guess that is why net freedom is under attack. Democracy does not appeal to everyone.
6. --- Free speech is the cornerstone for all other freedoms. It was marvelous the way our major Internet companies came through with the blackout to protest SOPA. Heroes! But ACTA is much worse than SOPA. Foreign nations like China get to decide what websites belonging to Americans can remain online. Oh well. As game hosts say, "Good try!" I would be surprised if Christian websites aren't first to go, then Occupy and other justice advocates like anti-DP, etc.
7. --- Thanks, Twitter. Try to keep the stalkers from closing my account or stealing my tweets. I'll have less interest in social networks for a while. I would be glad to continue complaining about assaults on Liberty, if she was showing signs of life, but her breath is pretty shallow. I don't know what to say. Nothing, I guess. "Good try!" I tell myself. Congratulations to everyone who did their best and will "continue to fight this fight" (Troy Davis' words). Net freedom is worth keeping if possible.
8. --- Kudos for working together to preserve net freedom. Please apply even more zeal to push H.R.3785 to the House floor for a vote. Give Congress another opportunity to vote for freedom and against concentration camps in America. God bless you, Twitter followers! Thanks for your attention and assistance. I published nearly 15,000 tweets, so you have plenty of caffeine for now, starting with the tweets below.





















Timeshare Owners Beware - FBI has issued a scam warning associated with timeshare sales and rentals. @FraudAvengers.org http://bit.ly/wdCExA
Retweeted by @koffietime


The folks at CNN have chosen their side. They won't be on the right side of history. Defenders of corruption, turned a blind eye to #NDAA.
Retweeted by @koffietime







Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and it is important to remember that not all Europeans... http://fb.me/13kPPFEHo
Retweeted by @koffietime







My relatives said it's gotten personal with them now - a contest of some sort. Plus, they are so mean they LIKE stalking me, so it continues










Retweeted by @koffietime












"the unborn" - New #poetry http://t.co/hsijS50F On searching for "le mot juste" in writing & living. #SupportTheArts, they enrich your life.
Retweeted by @koffietime





The best music video ever? Most likely. Rage Against The Machine - Sleep now in the Fire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w211KOQ5BMI&ob=av2e @RATM @MMFlint #Revolution
Retweeted by @koffietime











West Memphis Three saved by Documentary. http://fb.me/MQZhXNre
Retweeted by @koffietime

President Obama Neglected to Address Criminal Justice System Reform and Mass Incarceration in his 2011 State of ... http://bit.ly/wl7gpu
Retweeted by @koffietime

Welcome @Femdoubout - I don't think Haiti was ever forgiven for defeating France and slavery. #NDAA proves the 1% wants #slavery to continue




NO CONCENTRATION CAMPS! @RonPaul has bill to REPEAL NDAA Sec. 1021 http://goo.gl/Wsytx A chance for the 112th Congress to REPENT FROM #SIN

Retweeted by @koffietime

Everything was created by [Christ] and for [Christ] - Colossians 1:16 (please retweet).
Retweeted by @koffietime

